That's a lot less than the amount of money out there but they always had fractional reserve of banking anyway.
Technically, Fannie and Freddie are private companies -they're traded stocks; you can buy shares in Fannie and Freddie.
And actually on terms of the dollar, I think you gotta be concerned about the dollar. -You do Dollar is our currency.
I don't know if you know how a spark plug works, but for the electrical current to fly into operation in a spark plug, the two points of contact have to be gapped.
So, it frees you from some of Apple's tethers and this was the code that circulated on the Internet iPhone with which people could crack their iPhones.
So that meant taking care of the schedule, of the infromation flow, making sure the president was focused on the right issues the issues he wanted to be focus on.
It was the romantic--and by the way, about 3,300 miles of such canals would be built by the middle of the 1850s, all for the purpose of commerce, and to move people.
It's in the CCL collection.
It emerged into an institution in which banks would have notes bank notes-that circulated widely and we began to think of them as money.
There's maybe about three trillion dollars worth of stuff backed by mortgages out there Well, as you've seen, these have produced crisis of confidence and I don't think we've heard the last of it.
These mortgages were given out to people that couldn't afford them and today you have what you call subprime mortgages--subprime paper They issued against this paper stuff called mortgage-backed security. They securitized them and these things are all floating around now.