• Similarly, divination. Divination is an attempt to discern the future that, once again, heads right to the source of power.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • which is that... he talks about trying to find the source of the Nile River in Egypt.


    神话有趣的课 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • That's Western civilization, friends, and the Greeks are at the root of the whole thing.


    耶鲁公开课 - 古希腊历史简介课程节选

  • His magic is directed at the metadivine realm, trying to tap into its powers. It's not directed at the gods. It's trying to tap into the ultimate source of power to use that power to influence the gods in a particular way or protect oneself against the gods.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • It can be understood as a source of new-found authority, of the freedom of one who has been characteristically not free and can be received by a reading community in those terms.


    耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选

  • And he says, I don't, "No one really knows where the Nile River starts."


    神话有趣的课 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • But if we wanna find that tradition of suffering in Christianity and our own country, I think the strongest place to find it is among the salves and their culture.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • Yes, the crisis started here in the United States, though it wasn't a crisis whose origins or entirely limited to US banks, but it's all over it. -right.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会课程节选

  • Only those in other words engaged in the continual struggle to clarify their thinking to remove sources of contradiction and incoherence only those people can be said to live worthwhile lives.


    耶鲁公开课 - 政治哲学导论课程节选

  • So in other words, if you terminate these lines early, if you terminate the four loop early, if you terminate an if condition early with that semicolon, the code may very well work; and this is a common source -- of frustration and conundrum because you don't -- because your code looks right and yet it's misbehaving, but that semicolon means stop looking for subsequent lines of related code.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

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