She's probably said way more than enough in her testimony to the potentially apocalyptic power of her virginal speech.
So we expect overtime for there to be much more collaborations and potentially much more innovation.
What else is Yale, but an elite institution intended to educate, morally and intellectually, ? potential members of a leadership class?
For the simple reason that the number of possible chess games is so huge, that computers can't calculate it.
So, just an introduction to the classes of potential foreign invaders that our immune system tries to defend us against.
所以 我只是简单介绍几类,免疫系统试图抵御的潜在外来侵略者
On the other hand the Fed is also concerned with unemployment and the possibility of a collapse in the system.
The potential danger besetting the Lady is certainly a subject of some concern for her dutiful brothers.
The operating system still finds it but this process of getting some of your files bits from here, some from here, some from here, induces a potential slow down.
It also explains the phenomenal 6 degrees of separation: how we are all connected and interconnected in a web potentially of goodness.
We don't have an enormous difficulty grasping them, and it doesn't seem to me that our capability of grasping irony is founded on a necessary, underlying agreement.
Rather, it's a potential fire that flashes up momentarily within us.
Now potentially to some of the other things as well, but these are the main ones, and these links have been very clearly established.
And he believed that it was insidious, in order to have these sort of regional cultures.
It's not just 140 characters, it's potentially $140 because they can't make the sale.
They warn us of dangerous trends. They point out potent evils.
Peter was the first child of his father's second wife and thus a potential threat to the ambition of the relatives of the first wife.
His shield, in addition to being a defensive thing, is also potentially an offensive weapon.
We're going to assume that each voter in the model is a potential candidate.
Quickly, India and Pakistan, ? How do they get along? Has the prospects for war between the two countries we see is in the background? -Probably yes.
They seem to be designed less to recruit philosophers and potential philosophers than to shape and educate citizens and future statesmen.
The proliferation of religious texts and the proliferation of religious sects produced what was widely seen to be a potentially anarchic political situation in the early 1640s.
So that's 9 potential final projects that can live on in telephone form toward semester's end.
Aristotle proposes--how does he propose to do this? He proposes a couple of remedies to offset the potentially warlike struggle between various factions.
Very clear about who again the ideal statesman or reader potential statesman the reader of this book would be.
Really, all these things are potentially interesting possibilities and the question is what makes most sense?
There's a pretty interesting and potentially important gender factor going on here where the women in the orange line, after about this point, start to diverge.
For companies that we thought had backdated stock options, that we could buy their bonds at what they would trade for without this potential event of default.
It has to be complex, because we're asking the immune system to be able to respond to every potential foreign pathogen that we come into contact with.
As we'll see next time, this is the biggest mistake in research potentially.
So the idea of the model is each voter is a potential candidate.