• Langston Hughes's poetry comes out of this experience in a community of black intellectuals and artists it created specifically in Harlem.


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  • So yeah, you'll get loads of ideas and people wear some really interesting outfits,


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  • Frost is writing against the Romantic idea that poetry is written in repose, received passively as inspiration.


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  • How ready can we be for this kind of endeavor, or is this something that really has to come at its own pace?


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  • I know a number of people in this room probably have the similar company in mind, which is Apple.


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  • Now pro-slavery writers were inspired by this to some extent, but many of them will simply convert it.


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  • The fount of poetic inspiration is not to be found in an archive.


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  • That's the idea of the game, and then Parry demonstrated by careful scholarship of the Homeric poems, that that is the way the Homeric poems were.


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  • we don't know -- Milton tells someone to hurry up think of this -- to hurry up with the inspiration of the ode, because Milton can see the Three Wise Men bearing their gifts as they dutifully follow the Star of Bethlehem to the manger.


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  • This happens in every single episode, so much so that if any of you actually - I mean this might actually be true at Yale-- but if you any of you or the TV guys: if any of you know the guy who writes the plots for this, have him come to the class and get him see the video now and we get some better plot lines in there.


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  • Suppose there is an epiphany at 11:54 and you get a perfect score on that question 25% and it is worth 25% of the paper.


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  • Success is 90% inspiration, 10% perspiration," it's much more balanced than that.


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  • it's interesting. I don't use much of that as inspiration for my own work,


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  • Mussorgsky sat down and tried to come up with, create a musical response to each of these paintings that were on display.


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  • I think every time he did that, he robs part of his artists, and something like that.


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  • I got the idea from a book... by Dan Brown, "Da Vinci Code".


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  • that really anybody, any student could take inspiration from the museum.


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  • From where do you get your inspiration for writing plays?


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  • It's very much inspired, as you said, by vintage,


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  • to pull from anything that inspires me, you know.


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  • Where do you get your inspiration for writing?


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  • The thing that really inspires people is a working product.


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  • As soon as Milton describes for us the events in heaven that lead up to the Nativity, he begins the this is the prelude of the poem, it's broken up in to two chunks: the prelude and then what Milton calls the hymn he begins the third stanza of the prelude to his poem with a plea to the Heavenly Muse for inspiration.


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  • This may seem to be a perfectly reasonable vision for a poet considering himself to be an inspired poet to have, but there's something peculiar here.


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  • Because we can get inspirations from so many places, they come together to make us who we are, and not to be ashamed.


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  • The right conclusion, I think, is: the reason we write down these models is to try and capture and test our intuitions.


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  • and that something that happens was often very mysterious, very akin, I think, sometimes to inspiration.


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  • I think there is another company that I've always looked towards for inspiration.


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  • But it may be the case that it's something like a situation in which over the course of the previous stanza, Milton has actually usurped the role of the muse and has begun providing something like his own inspiration.


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  • Is that it seems like it's of itself in a way?


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