These two relations involving entropy are also useful because they'll let us see how entropy depends on volume and pressure.
So, and of course, you know, keeping entropy as a fixed variable for a system like that is extremely cumbersome.
When we have an isolated system, the criterion that determineswhether something happens spontaneously is the entropy has to increase.
In other words, if we don't have to worry about entropy or volume equilibrium is achieved when energy is at a minimum.
And what's fallen out when we do that, because in each case, one of the first derivatives gives us the entropy.
The reason the entropy of the mixed gases is the highest is because that has the most possible configurations.
And we saw that in fact in this case delta S of mixing, we calculated it, saw that it is positive.
But at the same time, entropy is going to be favoring whichever side has higher entropy, has more disorder, and there's a balance that's achieved.
And that will end up winning out at basically any realistic temperature where the stuff really is a gas.
As soon as you allow anything to mix, like you might if you want to do any chemistry, entropy changes.
Still, the actual equilibrium depends on entropy also, not only on the energy.
And that's consistent with other things that we've seen, Remember the whole thing about the perfect crystal at zero degrees Kelvin has zero entropy It's completely ordered.
There's a balance here between ordinary energy or enthalpy and entropy.
We looked at pressure change before, actually, in discussing the third law, the fact that the entropy goes to zero as the absolute temperature goes to zero for a pure,perfect crystal.
And just like we saw before for the case of entropy in an isolated system, now we have something we can calculate.
Even though the signs of the enthalpy changed, and the signs of the entropy changed because it's a combination of the two that matters.
And that's why, when I put up those three different reactions, and we saw the signs could vary.
And this is the familiar result from ordinary mechanics, where you're not worrying about something like entropy for a whole collection of particles.
Well, I can, for any given case, measure the pressure, determine the entropy and I'll know what the slope of change will be.
OK, what we'll see shortly is that this will allow us to see that for an isolated system the entropy never decreases.
What happens to the thermodynamics parameters, and see the results in terms of the parameters including entropy.
So, I just want to write a few examples down with a few values for delta u or delta H or delta S, and see whether we can get any clues from what we see.
Higher entropy basically because you're forming molecules of gas where there weren't any before, and there's more disorder in the gas phase than in the liquid. That is, the gas phase molecules have more freedom to roam.
Be careful, and this is going to be especially complicated and confusing when we get to quantities that have a more obscure meaning like entropy.
Then the second derivative gives the change in entropy with respect to the variable that we're differentiating, with respect to which is either pressure or volume.
Let's hang on for a little while longer to a set of conditions where we will maintain constant entropy, namely constant entropy and pressure.
So it seems like there's a favorable change in entropy going this way.
So that tells us what to do to know the entropy as the temperature changes.
The volume is going to change, and we can see how the entropy changes.
Do we calculate, you know, delta S, delta u, delta H?