And in fact, Skinner explicitly made the analogy from the natural selection of species to the natural selection of behavior.
Student: My question's not exactly like that one, but in other animals do they is there similar ? data on other species?
There is a Darwinian semiotics, understanding the relationships among species in semiotic terms.
You're taking advantage of a promoter system, or a gene activation system, that this species knows about because adult animals can make milk.
What you are born with or were born with, as species, is all we have.
Then we got into more deliberate hunting of animals, larger species were hunted and then you started to see humans eating things like mammoth, deer, horse, bison, and reindeer.
There has never been a regime in history that was so single-mindedly devoted to the end of producing that rarest and most difficult species of humanity called simply philosopher.
In both you have the flood coming about as the deliberate result of a divine decision; you have one individual who's chosen to be saved from the flood; that individual is given specific instructions on building an ark, and is given specific instructions on who to bring on-board the ark.
Notice the importance -and we'll come back to it-- of the word "dominant": "the dominant" in the thinking of the Russian formalists and the struggle for dominance among species in a habitat.
What the cold virus does is evolve different strategies to cause it to reproduce.
Millions of humans affected by Alzheimer's disease, other species don't get Alzheimer's disease.
Those animals that you produce are called transgenic animals because they're expressing, usually at high levels, a transgene or a gene that's not normally present in their species.
And that these mechanisms apply across all domains and across all species.
Finally, is it true that there's no animal-specific constraints for learning?
Several large animal species had disappeared so people had to find other animals and so this changed from going to find animals to domesticating animals, and shift from collection of plants to production of plants.
Many nonhumans, probably most nonhuman, species have it too.
And that has no parallel in any other species.
But he also obviously writes that we are beings with will and purpose who are uniquely guided by opinions, ideas, and doctrines and it is in many ways the first business of the sovereign to act as a moral reformer of ideas.
So just as the harlot tells Enkidu after his sexual awakening that he has become like a god, so Adam and Eve after eating the forbidden fruit are said to be like divine beings. Why?
It is our logos our reason that makes a community possible and also expresses or creates you could say a certain latitude or indeterminacy in how our behavior distinguishes us from other species.
They might have come from two completely different places, from two completely different species from different parts of the world, and they're put together in a new way and that's why it's called recombinant DNA.
You have to be able to get the DNA into the cell, it has to be incorporated into a vector of some sort, and the vector has to be compatible with the species and the cells that you've provided the DNA to.