See how from far upon the Eastern road The Star-led wizards haste with odors sweet: O run, prevent them with thy humble ode, And lay it lowly at His blessed feet.
You know, when I asked them to dedicate this song, I had a slightly different song in mind.
The other would be characteristic of agriculturalists: it would be an offering of the very first barley that would be harvested in the spring.
Say Heav'nly Muse, shall not thy sacred vein Afford a present to the Infant God?
It is a work intended to ingratiate himself to Lorenzo de Medici, the man to whom the work is dedicated, a customary prince, a traditional prince who has just regained his power.
And she sang and I listen.
At the end when Utnapishtim offers the sacrifice, the gods are famished and they crowd around the sacrifice like flies, the text says .
with thy humble ode," he's also saying that the wise men should be prevented from making it to the manger at all, that somehow the wise men need to be headed off at the pass and precluded from presenting any gifts to the Infant God that may compete with the so-called humble ode of John Milton.