The electronic configuration, all it is is the shorthand notation for that one electron approximation for the Schrodinger equation for lithium.
Let's look at the energetics of one of those electrons crashing into a hydrogen atom inside the gas tube.
That might seem confusing if you're thinking about particles, but remember we're talking about the wave-like nature of electrons.
For the most part, they play electronic something.
What is the energy of the electron, the energy of this electron accelerating from rest and crashing into the anode here?
OK, elements with low average valence electron energy, and here I'm saying below 11 electron volts, these are good electron donors.
The positive force of attraction of the electrons on the outside is greater and greater, and that pulls everything in.
So a plus two ion means that we're removing two electrons from the atom and the electrons that we're going to remove are always going to be the highest energy electrons.
Likewise, the element that is a good electron acceptor in an electron transfer reaction is going to be the element that is going to hog the electrons in a covalent bond.
So, in contrast, if it has a low electronegativity, this then is going to be an electron donor.
And again, we can define what that most probable radius is, that distance at which we're most likely to find an electron.
So you might ask in terms of when you're writing electron configurations, which way should you write it.
If we have too much gas in here, in other words, if the gas is at too high a pressure, the collisions with the gas molecules will consume the energy of the electrons and, again, we will see nothing.
An electron. So now we have the complete description of an electron within an orbital.
So, using our simple valence bond theory, what we would expect is that we want to pair up any unpaired electrons in methane with unpaired electrons from hydrogen and form bonds.
And then we said you can also achieve octet stability and electron transfer if you look at elements that are just a little bit rich of electrons versus octet stability or a little bit lean of electrons.
So you can see that we're starting to have a very complicated equation, and it turns out that it's mathematically impossible to even solve the exact Schrodinger equation as we move up to higher numbers of electrons.
So, for example, for sodium, we can instead write neon and then 3 s 1.
What we do care about is the energy of our orbitals that have electrons in them, and if we combined all four of the orbitals, then our hybrid orbitals would have more p character to them, so they'd actually be higher in energy.
So again, what we're saying here is that it is most likely in the 3 s orbital that we would find the electron 11 and 1/2 times further away from the nucleus than we would in a around state hydrogen atom.
There is a striking parallel here in that the group one elements have a tendency to want to give up electrons, F Cl Br whereas the fluorine, chlorine, bromine, have a tendency to attract electrons.
So, if we want to go from that stable state to that less stable state, we need to put in a certain amount of energy to our system, that difference between the free electron and the electron bound to the metal.
This should make sense because if something has a low ionization energy, that means it's not very electronegative, which means it's going to be a lot happier giving up electron density, which is essentially what you're doing -- when you're forming covalent bonds is you're sharing some of your electron density.
Great. Yup, it's going to be an electron acceptor, it wants to accept electrons, it wants to accept electron density.
If a photon which has no mass can behave as a particle, does it follow then an electron which has mass can behave as a wave? 1920.
He introduced the concept of electronegativity which was a measure, therefore, it is quantitative, of the atom's ability to attract electrons within a covalent bond and developed a scale of electronegativity.
We are expecting to see that it decreases because it's feeling a stronger pull, all the electrons are being pulled in closer to the nucleus, so that atomic size is going to get smaller.
We can not do that with quantum mechanics, the more true picture is the best we can get to is talk about what the probability is of finding the electron at any given nucleus.
That is going to equal the energy of the electrons in H2 minus the energies of the electrons in H.
These are all isoelectronic, they all have the same electron configuration. And we can also think about going back to atomic size for a second.