So the left electrode will be the cathode as I have configured it, and the right electrode will be anode.
He had a tube with electrodes potted in it filled with atomic hydrogen. And by applying a voltage, he was able to get the gas to glow.
What's really going on is you're floating in the psychologist's tank in their lab with the electrodes hooked up your brain.
When we increase the potential between the 2 electrodes that we have in the tube -- we actually split the h 2 into the individual hydrogen atoms, and not only do that, but also excite the atoms.
We begin by doing a neural surgical procedure, to implant a silicon based electrode array that you are seeing on the right.
They go through these wires and into these electrodes that are deep in your brain, and they stimulate tissue inside the brain.
He had a little electrical thing just on— I don't know how he thought to do this.
And, in fact, instead of having just an electrode here, what I could do is I could have an electrode that is.
And, this minimum here is what gives us the value of the inter-electrode separation, the inter-ion separation.
This is a glass tube. There are some feedthroughs here to allow electrodes to be potted.
Each one of those electrodes allows us to measure, we plot voltage verses time, ? this signal coming from the tip of that electrode. Ok?
There are certain-- you can take a rat and put an electrode in his brain.
And we can do that with the electrode array that I previously showed you.
You bring somebody in the sleep lab, you put electrodes on their scalp and you see what these-- what sort of electrical activities you get in the brain.
It was a tragic--It was crushed by the weights of the electrodes.
Rather than by forming an image or a picture you put electrodes on the surface of the body and measure the electrical potential as a function of position on the body.
But I can equate the amount of mechanical energy in the electron to the amount of electrical energy that was imparted through the electrodes.
And these electrodes are then connected to a variable voltage power supply.
You have a positive electrode here and the electron is charged negatively.
00 times electrode is only 1 mm long that penetrates just the most outer layers of the outer regions of your brain called into the distributable cortex.
From each electrode records from one or more neurons.
The other electrode, we'd make chlorine gas.
And in fact, you can take the wire, the electrode, and hook it up to a lever and teach the rat how to push the lever and give itself a little burst of pleasure.
If you put the electrode in just the right place, then when the electrode gets turned on, it stimulates the pleasure center in the rat's brain and it gets a little burst of pleasure, a pretty intense burst of pleasure.
This is the diagram taken right from your text, there are the two electrodes coming in and this is atomic hydrogen in the gas tube.
And the way I have this configured, the left electrode is going to be charged negatively and the right electrode is going to be charged positively.
Electrolysis of magnesium chloride in a cell where the one electrode we would make magnesium.
This happens at the top of the cell where there is a probe attached and this moves the hair bundle to the right side.
Now these are electrodes that are only sending out signals.
So it is a very thin and quick move, one on a second, by which I mean that one electrode, one set of neurons is the a very important piece of the puzzle, but not all that you need.