On some level, forgetfulness would just ease the grievousness of this miserable new psychological dynamic with which they are tormented.
who was refuted by Dr. Johnson who kicked a stone and leaped away in terrible pain saying, "I refute it thus."
They're prostrate on the burning lake of this miserable new realm called hell, yet nonetheless Satan pulls himself together and begins to analyze, to theorize, his situation.
So the pain you're suffering now is actually instrumentally valuable, useful as a means, even though it's intrinsically bad.
He started out by observing that all of us, all human beings are governed by two sovereign masters: pain and pleasure.
And at the same time, accepting the painful emotions are as much part of human nature as the wonderful emotions.
I could run away from you. I could turn my head or I could blame you for causing me this misery.
OK. Now, fortunately we're not going to start with Turing's six primitives, this would be really painful programming, because they're down at the level of, "take this value and write it onto this tape."
He is abject. He is a shining example of moral leprosy, a mixture of ferocity and jocularity that betrays supreme misery, perhaps, but is not conducive to attractiveness.
Sometimes we're holding onto misery or anger or whatever it is You really have to be prepared to be courageous and return to your breath instead of letting feelings like that overcome you.
It's just that other meanings are available, and since they're not on the same page, those two other meanings coexist painfully and irreducibly at odds, right?
Suppose we conjecture that the only thing intrinsically valuable is pleasure and the only thing intrinsically bad is pain.
And one thing that seems intrinsically bad, one thing that seems to reduce the value of a life, is pain.
I'm inclined to think there's more to the best kind of life than just having pleasure and avoiding pain.
It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.
It's how quickly, how promptly we can recover from these painful emotions-- in other words, how strong our psychological immune system is.
Gary Gilmore The serial killer Gary Gilmore basically said the pain of others gratified him and caused him no unhappiness at all.
But it does happen that emotional-- that this sort of empathy does lead to moral concern and action.
People differ to the extent it will hurt them to watch me slam my thumb with a hammer.
I just want to float to the dining hall after-- " so much easier, so much less painful."
By torturing the bodies we cause pain to the minds,the personalities, who have beliefs about who's hurting.
to name a few-- on the negative side,the painful side; wellbeing,satisfaction,joy,excitement,happiness on the other side which is the side of positive psychology studies.
However, in our culture today, we don't give ourselves the permission to be human, the freedom to experience these painful emotions as well.
I won't get into definitions of what torture is but it would cause somebody tremendous pain and anguish to keep them from sleeping.
And the Freudian response is, "Your rejection of my ideas shows that they are distressing to you.
And the yardstick that we're at least doing our best to apply is one of measuring up the pleasure and subtracting the pain.
Being well off is a matter of experiencing pleasure and avoiding or minimizing the experience of pain.
Now, when the first chimpanzee hits the lever the second chimpanzee gets a painful electric shock, putting the first chimpanzee in a horrible dilemma.
A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again.
.. How valuable-- how well off you are, how valuable your life is, is a function of the contents, the pleasure and the pain.