So one case to think about is what if the other firm, you're Coke, what if Pepsi is pricing below cost?
We're just producing Coca-Cola and Pepsi and for want of a better world, spewing it out into the market.
when I talked on the first day of class about my own boyhood experience when a Coca-Cola was an eight ounce glass or a Pepsi was an eight ounce bottle rather, that was a serving.
So Patrick, our manager of Pepsi believes that Coca-Cola is going to produce this quantity and he's agreed to produce this quantity.
Now be honest, how many of you in a blind taste test can taste the difference between ordinary Coke and ordinary Pepsi?
We're Coca-Cola and Pepsi, so we really don't want to have to bring the mafia in, Although maybe we do, I don't know.
So the products we mentioned last time were Coke and Pepsi, but you could think of other products that are pretty much identical.
Let me take an example that I understand better than I understand Coke and Pepsi.
There's also a part of the payoffs that's analogous to forcing me to drink Bud Light or forcing the forcing the Pepsi drinkers to drink Coca-Cola.
So Patrick's response in Pepsi is to overproduce relative to the monopoly quantity, actually overproduce even relative to the Cournot quantity and produce all the way out here.
All right, so Patrick when he's in the when he's playing the manager of Pepsi he's going to produce more of this undrinkable liquid and produce this quantity here.
So these are Coke and Pepsi, that will confuse me less.
in whatever it is you guys imagine makes Coke and Pepsi different, it could be that thing.
Suppose the other guy didn't exist, Suppose Pepsi didn't exist, so Coke has the whole market, then we would solve out this problem.
It's going to be /2 in the case where Coke and Pepsi cost exactly the same.
So this is the total quantity of Coke plus Pepsi.
If Pepsi is the low price then Coke sells nothing.
When I was a boy the eight ounce Coke was the default serving, and when I was a child when it was time to have a Coke or a Pepsi you had eight ounces and the event was over.
So I started off with an example that's pretty bad for this story, namely, Coke and Pepsi.
Pepsi's pricing below cost, what's your best response?
Coke and Pepsi are producing this stuff.
So Steve and Patrick are respectively the managers of Coca-Cola and Poland Spring and Patrick believes that the Coca-Cola manager is going to may be we should just make this Coke and Pepsi since two identical they're near enough and identical, right?
This time, however, instead of setting quantities, instead of just deciding how much Coke and Pepsi to produce and spewing it out in the market and letting prices take care of themselves, this time the firms are going to set prices and let quantities take care of themselves.
Well, one thing that goes wrong is that suppose Coke and Pepsi were able to either to write a contract or whatever to sustain joint monopoly output at this high price, this price which is actually producing positive profits in the industry it is going to turn out, therefore the price is going to be above costs.
So a number of you, even if the price was just a tiny bit different might have a preference for one rather than the other, so without getting in trouble by putting the camera on you, how many of you would have a preference, if the prices were essentially the same how many of you would have a strict preference for Pepsi?
There's no Pepsi in the market and 1-P1 quantity of Coke is sold.