Right? In other words I've got the stoichiometric coefficients in there and the values, and I'm subtracting the reactants from products -1652kJ/mol wind up with minus 1652 kilojoules per mole.
Initially, it's the beginning and the end of it.
And actually, if I don't want to clobber, as we say, overwrite the value of my variable, ; I could declare another one and store the return value in Y; Y so now I have two ints in memory; X and Y, 3 one with two, one with three.
I'm going to say, gee, p2 is the x value the same in both of them, and if it is, and the y value's the same, then this is the same point, I'm going to return true.
You have to with C, as with a lot of programming language, say what you return.