Now Baidu has become one of the best-known Chinese brands in the world because of that decision.
and that's a really good thing because she's so high profile.
Well, all of these are learned and clever men, but I don't think that they're all equally right.
In one of these letters, a famous letter to his friend, Francesco Vettori a man named Francesco Vettori, he describes how he came to write his most famous book.
You are an educator, as Dean of one of the most distinguished schools of Public And International Affairs, and one of the prominent universities in America or in the world, what is your sense of the students that you teach and train?
I want to play this one with the piano a little bit and I ask you the name of the composer of this piece-- it's a bit less well known but maybe not-- what it's called and when in the history of music it was written.
You know about retroviruses, the most famous and important one at this time is HIV, which is a retrovirus.
你们应该听过逆转录病毒吧,现下最为知名而重要的 HIV,就是一种逆转录病毒
I think, was to develop their interest in Asia.
Because, I mean, Yale has a great reputation.
Over time, it becomes not the only one, but it never ceases to be the best known, the most influential, and the most powerful.
They are for the most part relatively anonymous individuals unless, you know, they get into trouble like Ken Lay or someone like that or do something amazing like Bill Gates.