This is the fact that we occupy a finite volume in space, because they're little hard spheres in this molecule.
And here, too, it's just a little baby program in that I'm hardcoding the expression 17 divided by 13.
They evolve to become very dense, hard, pustular lesions, which are filled with what turns out to be tissue debris.
The stuff that people tend to add sometimes is to keep drawing the 10 Newtons that's acting on that.
有人经常凭空添加的力,总是把这个 10 牛的力硬加在这个物体上
I'm the heterogeneous system, soft stuff, hard stuff, liquid stuff.
The stick margarine has been hydrogenated to make it a more solid form.
Words may well be a powerful weapon, as powerful as a gun.
We are modeling them as hard spheres.
Does anyone have a hard candy?
Why not write the program in a way where you figure out dynamically when the program is run how much memory you need rather than hard coding in two with or within that constant.
For instance in the past, we had that silly little program for computing the average of some quizzes and it was actually a pretty bad implementation because I had essentially hard coded in the number of quizzes.
Last time we used printf generally to print a static string, like a hardcoded string, like "David," just for example's sake.
They are all bound, hard and brittle.
It's not nearly as graphical but at least we're not hardcoding programs that are otherwise uninteresting.
Because I've hard coded the zero, it's just capitalizing they first character.
Aristotle takes his stand from within politics and the regime of which he is a part. Of course we all know contemporary political scientists are not neutral. They frequently insert their views values we call them value judgments we call them.
So I wrote a little program called "chart" that, based on some data I happened to hardcode into the program, shows us their numbers for the past several years.