What can Aristotle or Hobbes tells us about the world of globalization of terrorism of ethnic conflict and the like?
So it's very nationalistic which goes into xenophobia, racism. It's horrible, basically.
And in a thousand other ways Americans realized racism isn't a Southern thing, it's everywhere, belongs to everyone.
Well, I think that's the same type of mentality that justifies genocide and totalitarianism.
And again, this doesn't show that people are explicit terrible racists.
There has been study after study showing that people in the military who were otherwise, for instance, racists after working with people of different races liked them more because you had all of the right ingredients.
And concomitantly a second reason is that that Civil Rights revolution also brought, through its process, a huge discovery at the same time of Northern racism, when Martin Luther King brought the movement to Chicago and nearly got killed doing it.
In cases where you have a hard decision to make, you know you're not racist.
You have no explicit racist attitudes, honestly you really don't, but the argument is that these stereotypes can affect your behavior in all sorts of subtle ways.