What about Mill's attempt to account for the especially weighty character of individual rights and justice in chapter five of Utilitarianism.
When we finished last time, we were looking at John Stuart Mill's attempt to reply to the critics of Bentham's Utilitarianism.
So what we need to examine now is whether John Stuart Mill had a convincing reply to these objections to utilitarianism.
Now, for those of you who have read Mill already, how, according to him, is it possible to draw that distinction?
And here, in chapter two, we see the passage where Mill makes the point that John just described.
His father, James Mill, was a disciple of Bentham's, and James Mill set about giving his son, John Stuart Mill, a model education.
Sometimes, Mill agrees, we might succumb to the temptation to do the latter, to be couch potatoes.
And there is a further objection that could be raised against Mill's case for justice and rights.
She and Mill got married, they lived happily ever after, and it was under her influence that John Stuart Mill tried to humanize utilitarianism.
But the reason is ultimately, Mill claims, a utilitarian reason once you consider the long-run interests of humankind, of all of us as progressive beings.
And starting next time, we're going to read Bentham and John Stuart Mill, utilitarian philosophers.
Mill's point is that the higher pleasures do require cultivation and appreciation and education.
So you think that this support Mill's you think Mill is onto something here?
So here are the objections to Bentham's utilitarianism and now, we turn to someone who tried to respond to those objections, a latter-day utilitarian, John Stuart Mill.
In his book Utilitarianism, Mill tries to show that critics to the contrary it is possible within the utilitarian framework to distinguish between higher and lower pleasures.
What do you conclude from that about John Stuart Mill's test that the test of a higher pleasure is whether people who have experienced both prefer it?
But before we give the reasons let's do an experiment of Mill's claim.
But the same challenge could be put to this part of Mill's defense.
What about Mill's attempt to reply to the objection about individual rights?
If you look at the syllabus, you'll notice that we read a number of great and famous books, books by Aristotle, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, John Stewart Mill, and others.
So as John points out, Mill says here's the test.
That's the dilemma with which our experiment confronts Mill.
You find this famous passage from John Stuart Mill.
He was a child protege, John Stuart Mill.
I think the conclusion is that Mill's theory that when a majority of people are asked what they would rather do, they will answer that they would rather engage in a higher pleasure.
John Stuart Mill was born in 1806.
All right, Is there anyone who disagrees with Joe and who thinks that our experiment disproves Mill's test, shows that that's not an adequate way, that you can't distinguish higher pleasures within the utilitarian framework?
In 1859, Mill wrote a famous book on liberty, the main point of which was the importance of defending individual rights and minority rights, and in 1861, toward the end of his life, he wrote the book we read as part of this course, "Utilitarianism."