This then is the object of Saussure's attention as a linguist and as a semiotician.
There is a Darwinian semiotics, understanding the relationships among species in semiotic terms.
Semiotics evolves into what is called "structuralism," which we'll be considering next week.
Now semiotics is not in itself a literary theory.
Semiotics has expanded into every imaginable aspect of thought.
The important thing about Saussure and the discipline of semiotics is the incredible influence that it has had on virtually every form of subsequent literary theory.
But what is new in Saussure and what really is foundational in semiotics as a science is two things that Saussure then goes on to say about the sign.
What is semiology?
As we'll learn from Jakobson next week, literature can be understood--or what he calls the study of literature, "poetics"--can be understood as a subfield of semiotics, but semiotics is not in itself a literary theory.
It's symbolically the wrong move.
One of the texts of de Man -also in the book called Allegories of Reading where you'll find also a version of the essay "Semiology and Rhetoric" one of the essays that those who had actually read de Man actually argued about in a persistent fashion is called "The Purloined Ribbon."
Once you get that, once you get the value, "Christmas tree," as opposed to "red lights," "red lights" being perhaps a part of some Christmas trees, then you see that you're back in a semiotic system and a very obvious one, because a Christmas tree is a not-menorah, not-Kwanzaa candles.