So, selenium 2 minus is what's going to be isoelectronic, because if you add two electrons to selenium, you'll get the same electron configuration that you have for krypton here.
So whether we finish it today, or more likely when we finish it up on Friday, once we get passed isoelectronic atoms, that's it, that's all you need to study for this first exam.
We've got two cases where each one of those things now is isoelectric with neon.
These are all isoelectronic, they all have the same electron configuration. And we can also think about going back to atomic size for a second.
So if we want to write out what that would be, it would just be to say that f minus is isoelectronic with neon.
- Then also, nitrogen, 3 minus -- these are all going to be isoelectronic with neon.
What you see is that the radius changes with atomic number for constant electron number.
So, we can say that -- if we have neon here and we want to think about what's isoelectronic, -- f minus would be isoelectronic. We also have oxygen -- what would the charge on oxygen be? Um-hmm, right. 2 minus.
And now we're asking you to look at krypton, so the atomic mass is 36. You can actually just grab that handout the second handout on the exam and look at the periodic table there. So, which of the following ions listed is isoelectronic with krypton?
Let's move on to the last topic in terms of this first exam, which is thinking about the idea of isoelectronic atoms, or isoelectronic ions. And isoelectronic is very straightforward, it just means having the same electron configuration.
So, let's do a clicker question on isoelectronic atoms.
This includes atomic radius and the idea of isoelectronic atoms.
So, that's the idea of isoelectronic ions.
Well, this is isoelectronic with helium, right, and so is this, isoelectronic with helium.