I've also got on my reading glasses on, I can't see anything. Anybody. TAs don't count, they get their own candy. When it, yep.
Again, there's no advertising affecting this, there's no parents being irresponsible and buying sugary cereals for the poor little animals.
Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone, it's a protein hormone that circulates in all of our bodies and regulates glucose metabolism.
He also knew where the candy was going to land, but he couldn't get his hand there in time.
But that's also nice, it lets you see how the recursive thing is simply unwrapping but the complexity in terms of the amount of time it takes is going to be the same.
Lent is you give up one thing, so I tend to give up sugar and meat during that month. For the entire time, listen it doesn't compare to Ramadan, where you really have no water.
Here. Have a mint," and then we have a good time and everything.
You go to your first house: "Trick or..." Snap!" It broke.
You got cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrate here, broken down as fiber and sugars, and that's very helpful information to know.
Then of course there's the sugar you see in all the processed foods that you might think of.
If you have a product and your competitor has a product and you put sugar in yours, people are going to like it better.
I'm still trying to get rid of this candy, Halloween's coming, where were we?
Because of that, if I eat something that's rich in glucose, so it has lots of sugar molecules, the sugar molecules can't pass between the cells.
It's phosphate, carbon, carbon, carbon, phosphate, carbon, carbon, carbon, phosphate and it has this structure hanging off the side.
If you want candy, sit much closer down, and that way we can film you as well as we go along. Right.
These are the pentoses - remember 5' and 3' because that orients you with respect to what direction the molecule is facing.
Okay, sugar is what people usually guess first and that's correct, that's one of the three. Yes?
Well the way to find it is by using a process called electrophoresis and Southern blotting.
And when you start jamming sugar and fat into things, the calories add up really fast.
Then he knows it's going to go up, it's going to curve, follow some kind of parabola, then his hands go there to receive it.
So this--the seeking out fat, sugar, and variety is a highly evolved, adaptive evolutionary trait.
His prediction was, the candy's going to land here, then he put his hand there.
Because muscle can use and frequently is using glucose as a source of energy.
Then the polysaccharides are the complex carbohydrates, and that's starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
That's what fat cells do, they convert glucose into a form for storage.
It's the high calorie, high fat, high sugar foods for the most part.
I released a piece of candy, threw it from my hand, and the initial conditions have to do with where did I release it and with what velocity.
So what's going to form the backbone is this continual link, phosphate to sugar, phosphate to sugar, phosphate to sugar, all linked together to form one long, long molecule.
It could be that that signal is 'you need more glucose', and so the cellular response is to create more glucose transporters to bring more glucose into the cell.
I just mentioned examples of that, so the organism seeks out fat, sweet, and variety and eating large amounts of food becomes a priority, at least according to the brain.