OK, so we've got UV light here, and let's see what we can see, and we lose electrons, if that's what's happening.
We know that UV light gets absorbed by glass, so it shouldn't be able to go through the glass.
If you get some of these in the upper atmosphere, a photon, an ultraviolet photon, has the energy capable of breaking this bond.
So, ideally what we did see was, in fact, it does have enough energy with the UV lamp, it wasn't a dramatic shift you saw because we didn't start very high and then it went to that stuck point.
So that means we're going to need to figure out what is the energy per photon that's emitted by that UV light.
I wonder if there's some UV light out of this new lighting set up in our classroom here.
We have a UV lamp right here, which is centered at a wavelength of 254 nanometers.
It'll still likely get stuck in that spot, but we'll just show you one more time the effects of the UV light, and actually we'll throw in an extra trick here, too.
So, we would expect to see electrons ejected with the UV light source.
So if we think about the work function for zinc, and the work function for zinc is 6.9 times 10 to the -19 joules, do we expect that when we shine our UV light on the zinc, we'll be able to eject electrons?
So, if you use a black lamp or something and you excite something up to a higher energy level and then it relaxes back down to its lower energy state, it's going to emit a new wavelength of light, which is going to be visible to you.
Yeah. It was UV light that we used.
So we can figure out the energy of each photon emitted by our UV lamp by saying e is equal to h c over wavelength.
And I also want to point out, it's guaranteed pretty much you may or may not be able to see, sometimes it's hard to see that one that's getting near the UV end of our visible spectrum. So we won't worry if we can't see that.
We can think about the Lyman series, which is 1 where n equals 1. We know that that's going to be a higher energy difference, so that means that we're going to be in the UV range.
Well, we can't guarantee with UV light we'll have enough energy to eject every single electron, so that's why when we use x-rays, they're higher energy, you can pretty much be guaranteed we're going to eject all of those electrons there.
So you know that x-rays are higher frequency than UV light, for example, that means it's also higher energy than UV light, and if you think back to our photoelectric effect experiments, do you remember what type of light we were usually using for those? Does anyone remember?