• These are molecules that exist naturally in cell membranes and are activated by certain enzymes and kinases generated by receptors.


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  • It can't enter cells because it's too big and it's too water soluble so it can't go through cell membranes.


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  • Essentially, what they are is it's a protein that spans the membrane of a cell.


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  • They go across the membrane - this is the trans-membrane part of the receptor that's going across the membrane.


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  • These proteins have functions that are essential for life of the cell, they transport molecules back and forth across the membrane.


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  • I mentioned earlier, we thought about receptors as being these blocks and membranes but there are different families of receptors.


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  • Many of them are derived from cholesterol and they're hydrophobic, which means they can penetrate through cell membranes.


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  • That general class of molecules is called receptors and its shown here just as a block of material living in the cell membrane.


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  • I've already mentioned many times that the lipid bilayer, the cell membrane, isn't just a lipid bilayer.


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  • There's lipid chains in between so cell membranes are lipid rich layers that can exist in water.


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  • We talked about the cell membrane, the plasma membrane separating the inside form the outside.


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  • All cell membranes have these channels within them, and under their resting conditions sodium is moving from outside to inside, potassium's moving from inside to outside.


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  • It's less negatively charged than it is in its resting state.


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  • This process, which is shown schematically here, as a vesicle fusing with the cell membrane and then dropping its neurotransmitter only happens when an action potential reaches the end of the axon.

    这一过程 扼要地展示在这里,小泡同细胞膜融合,释放其神经递质,这只发生在动作电位抵达轴突末梢时

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  • Now, sodium and potassium don't ordinarily move across membranes, they're charged molecules, they can't dissolve, they can't permeate through a cell membrane, but they go through because there are channels that allow them to pass through in the membrane.


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  • This is a picture of patch clamp, it's a device that engineers built to fasten onto individual cells in order to look at how molecules in the membrane of the cell are working, and I'll talk a little bit about that as we go along.


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  • On the side over here shows a cell membrane and so this is outside the cell above it, and this is inside the cell below, and this is the lipid bilayer that separates the outside of the cell from the inside of the cell.


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  • They carry a potential, that is, if you could - if you had a tiny, tiny electrical meter, you could one put one electrode on one side of the cell membrane, on the extracellular side and one on the intracellular side and measure, you would measure a potential difference; just like a battery you would measure a potential difference.


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  • So, for example, if we look at sodium channels, and sodium channels are some of the particularly prevalent ones when we're talking about neurons, if you think about the cell membrane, and this little green cartoon is me trying to show a sodium channel here, and in this case, you can see that it's closed, such that no ions are getting through.


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  • So most of the lipids, which make up cell membranes in your body are of this category of phospholipids.


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  • It has to be small, and it has to be lipid soluble in order for it to pass through a cell membrane.


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  • If a cell membrane was indeed just a lipid bilayer, then glucose could never enter the cell because it can't permeate through cell membranes.


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  • There are - that's one class of proteins on the surface I'm sorry.


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  • It turns out that one of the places that's been very fruitful to look for proteins that differ between cell populations is on the surface of the cell.


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  • We've talked about one class of molecules, they're transporters that move molecules from inside to outside, or outside to in, that wouldn't ordinarily be transported through a cell membrane.


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  • Because of that they're barriers, they separate the inside of the cell from the outside of a cell, and only certain kinds of molecules can pass through a cell membrane.


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  • I wanted to introduce it to you so that if you don't haven't heard about this before you might want to read a little bit about this before we get to Chapter 5.


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  • It has a cell membrane.


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  • Because these molecules can span across the membrane from outside to inside, they're in just the right position to take messages that they receive from outside the cell and transmit them through the membrane into the cells internal apparatus, and that's what they do.


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  • They have a nucleus, they have a cell membrane, they have organelles throughout them, they have the same DNA.


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