But at the same time we might have very different experiences and that was amplified with students coming from different cultures altogether.
I lived with Italians and, um, my entire life was not in English, um, for a year, um, which I loved,
In fact, Gadamer even insists that if we don't have this phenomenon of being pulled up short, our reading is basically just solipsistic.
I'd like to share some of the rough products with you, and how we made the connection between the Star Festival Story and the children's own story.
Unfortunately, you people are too young to have experienced this, but I've experienced this and you can talk to your parents.
Aristotle and Thomas Jefferson seem to disagree over the basic fact of human experience, whether it's equality or inequality.
It was the defining experience of the twentieth century, and the violence of the war continues into the 1920s and '30s.
Maybe what we should say is he thinks he remembers the experience of being crowned emperor, but it's a fake memory.
And I'm just wondering like how do we how would you suggest having banded all these different environments with their different reputations, I mean, all those are for very different institutions.
On 267, this is in one of these parenthetical passages where the narrator is commenting on what he's just given account of in his experience.
And her marriage is invariably seen as her reward for all the trouble she's been through.
So, you know, I actually paused and tried to lend a hand with this and what struck me at the end of this experience of walking this individual through the process of buying a ticket was actually a recurring theme in my mind for this course.
It is an understanding that cannot be achieved without a serious examination of the western experience.
In other words, should we be putting more emphasis on diplomacy on economic and technical assistance in Afghnastan rather than so much emphasis on the military actions?
So I just want, you know, I feel like that experience would be enriched if I, you know, learned the language.
And specifically -- our industry's constantly transitioning from one technology to another, and we sort of screwed up one of the transitions.
OK, so what we've gone through today is we've introduced covalent bonding, and we've figured out a way to quantify it.
So if you are in exile, then perhaps a more satisfying ending is to have Israel not in fact entering the land.
And in a thousand other ways Americans realized racism isn't a Southern thing, it's everywhere, belongs to everyone.
The cell is going to experience something different inside because both receptors were activated instead of just one.
Is it Balzac the individual, furnished by his personal experience with a philosophy of Woman?
But the nymphs in all of their sensuous beauty, with "flow'r-inwov'n tresses," they have to experience the same fate.
And in it you really talk about what it is to grow up as a Muslim in suburban America.
Imagine that you are Richard Wright and you've grown up with the life that he describes in this book.
The civilization of the West, however, was not the result of some inevitable process through which other cultures will automatically pass.
Now,that thing that wakes up after this complete irreversible amnesia will no doubt eventually develop a personality,a set of beliefs,memories.
Many of them say it's remarkable that they were never pushed to the point where they want to gun at their classmates, because they feel like they know what kinds of experiences these young boys went through.
It's a social experience, in this view, and the social experience is intrinsically a conservative one.
It is not enough merely to speak the same words, but in a sense, citizens must have certain common experiences, certain common memory and experience that shape a city and the people.