Like the moon, Satan may look beautiful, but upon a closer scrutiny that beauty begins to yield certain metaphysical flaws.
I mean, I love Stanford and this is a really beautiful campus, but to go and see all those different things...
The logic, the beauty, of Comus' rhetoric seems often to overpower the Lady's own, which is itself admittedly beautiful and powerful.
Now, I do certainly understand what your correspondent, as it were, were saying about beauty.
The ideas or the forms justice itself, beauty itself, goodness itself the forms are not physical objects. Right?
There were people goldsmiths were people who worked in the metal gold and made beautiful things for people jewelry and other things.
We know that she worries about beauty, and especially in poetry.
The fact is the sweetest dream that labor knows."
Not all attractiveness, not all beauty of course, is linked to sex.
The first five books that deal with and culminate in the best city, Kallipolis Plato's ideal city, what he calls Kallipolis, the just city, the beautiful city, ruled by philosopher-kings.
One more time. It is beautiful.
You're not responsible for these paintings, but we'll illustrate ways in which the Dutch Republic, and their social structure, and what they emphasized, and who they thought they were was very different than, for example, la belle France.
And, so my impression was that there was like, you know, it was a beautiful, large, crazy, psychotic place,
They're just really nice beaches and they got, uh, good food, video games, arcades, stuff like that.
By the way it's an absolutely beautiful site, a great tourist site; you can see quite a lot there.
It's quite spectacular because here in the 1890s we have the apex of the Western classical orchestra, this big, beautiful, powerful instrument.
It is a protrusion of the cell sticking out of the epic al surface.
And she's saying "I don't look fine, I'm old, I'm not looking great. I'm really tired."
there's some pretty nice areas to walk around up there over on the hillside, so.
I took that concept and eventually in 2000 realized that I had this beautiful picture of the city but it was all verticals.
But the nymphs in all of their sensuous beauty, with "flow'r-inwov'n tresses," they have to experience the same fate.
The great Milton, a grave author, brings in Adam thus speaking to Eve in Paradise Lost , "Oh, fairest of creation, last and best of all God's works."
The soul infused its power throughout the entirety of the bodily frame, and so body and soul in Milton's incredibly moving, and I think really beautiful, vision almost becomes indistinguishable.
We see something that's beautiful to some degree, and it reminds us of perfect beauty.
Well, here Frost seems to be spelling things out, making a declaration, making a statement, saying what the fact is, and seeming to celebrate the literal: "the fact is the sweetest dream that labor knows."
The ancients had a beautiful word or at least the Greeks had a beautiful word for this quest for this desire for knowledge of the best regime.
If you go down into France, if you go to la belle France, the painting is dominated by nobles who want pictures of themselves, or the tiresome Sun King and all his sort of miserable and all his sort of miserablehangers-on, very rich, miserable hangers-on.
It's Huxley that said woe to the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact, nuclear collapse.
We had a conversation yesterday about art, and she said art has a responsibility to be beautiful.
There's naturally a lot of pressure on Milton to make this part of the simile beautiful and striking because he's echoing not just one epic poet, but essentially he's echoing just about every epic poet.