But we've expanded the list of goods so it includes external goods and not only experiential or internal goods.
to get, you know, coffee shops. And everything is all around here as well.
God created a good world, But humans in the exercise of their moral autonomy, They have the power to corrupt the good.
They say, "Yeah, yeah the Greeks were terrific, they achieved wonderful things, they were a miracle, the golden age, and all that.
All actions aim at preservation or change, at making something better or preventing it from becoming worse.
It's as though we live life for a while, getting a feel for all the wonderful things life could offer us, and then a moment later, as it were, it's snatched away from us.
We have to not talk-- just talk about the good things in the life, but the good of life itself, and we have to notice that perhaps on certain views, for certain cases, it's not really the case that when I die I'm being deprived of a good life.
We've expanded our list of goods so that-- Nobody's going to deny that among the goods of life are pleasure and other positive experiences.
We've expanded the list of goods that can go within your life, but for all that, we've still been acting as though the neutral container theory is the right approach.