Could it be that the hidden throb I stole from them did not affect their future? I had possessed her, and she never knew it.
But it really comes down to that curiosity about what's happening right now everywhere and really being the pulse of what's happening right now everywhere and being able to point to every single medium.
Bankers play golf a lot because business people like to play golf and you have to keep your finger on the pulse of the community.
Question: Doctor, before you perform autopsy ? did you check for a pulse?
It's really just a pulse. It's very much like the human pulse.
You see a bleep going across the screen to indicate that they've got their finger on the pulse of what's happening, or you see it in TV shows like ER.
In fact for readers of Paradise Lost, and this has been an experience now for a few hundred years, it does often seem as if there were some mysterious life force, a pulsating through Milton's dense and driving lines of unrhymed, iambic pentameter.
This is the pulse of music and music theorists ever since the late fifteenth century from music theory Francinus Gafurius on we could go all the way back then have said that the pulse in music is basically at the same tempo as the human pulse which comes out to be about oh, we'll say seventy-two beats if you will, pulses, per minute.