The final sight I like to show you is the Star Festival sight. Every town has a festival of some sort and my hometown has the Star Festival.
And it's a really great experience. So that's pretty much what I associate Golden Gate Park with, for me.
Especially the dragons. "look at the dragon". I said, "that's part of the festival Harazka and we were traveling on this train to go to Harazka because we were going to be a part of the festival".
These offerings are generally consumed by the offerer and his family, very often in a festive situation, as a big feast, after certain portions are donated to the priests, again.
That's the fall holiday, when we sit outside and celebrate the fall harvest.
Okay, in Edinburgh, they have every year, every summer, they have a massive festival of theatre.
But there are a lot of festivals and like, free activities that are going on.
Yeah, I just got it like birthdays and Christmases and stuff.
So, you would try to take your message to one of the Pan Hellenic festivals which were getting organized about this time.
Once you get that, once you get the value, "Christmas tree," as opposed to "red lights," "red lights" being perhaps a part of some Christmas trees, then you see that you're back in a semiotic system and a very obvious one, because a Christmas tree is a not-menorah, not-Kwanzaa candles.
there is a huge festival, "The Venice Beach Spring Fling."
In Edinburgh, every year they have a festival
So that's my favorite one.
So I told them the festival.
It has other terms that give commandments about the observance of the festivals, various festivals, the dedication of first fruits to God, the dedication of first born animals to God and so on; things that were not in the Exodus 20 Decalogue.
They noticed the festival decorations on the opening screen and some of the pictures they saw.
We've a harvest holiday called Sukkot, where we actually sit outside, in this open structures that have natural coverings, branches, often where you can see the stars as a reminder of the time when the Israelites wandering in the desert, after they were released from slavery in Egypt.
And on specific holidays that deal with the themes of nature in the fall.
And so Star Festival is to celebrate their coming together. In my hometown, the Star Festival is a very big festival. And of many many things that you find in the festival, there are queens, Star Festival queens. So let me show you that.
The best time would be at some great festival.
There are festivals held in each city just for its own citizens and my guess is that when you could do that, when you felt that you could recruit a full colony from your fellow citizens in Corinth, let us say, that's what you did.
It's just one massive festival.
so one of them to focus on a festival of that region.
We won't be having a festival and we won't need to do all the decorations just like they see in the movie and our film. We will be inviting our pals down the hall to come in and participate all the festivities.
You see, they worked with the student's teacher and they had to do a little bit of history, something about the economy, a little bit of politics, and places to visit, and to focus on a festival because the Star Festival focuses on Tanabata.