Milton wants to write an epic that in some ways comes before, or prevents, the great epics of Homer and Virgil.
Milton would insert into the printed text of his poem his own anticipation that his epic would receive the same universal approbation as Homer's and Virgil's.
The word polis appears in Homer, but it means something different from what it means throughout most of Greek history.
When you were a young boy, you would've studied just reading and writing Homer.
This is an analogy as old as, and found in, Homer.
Well, let me turn to another aspect of the story of Homer and how the poems play into Greek society.
But in Homer the term is reserved for Agamemnon or for gods, but not for any other human being.
So, Hesiod complains about them and calls them bribe swallowing basileis, crooked ones, plural; kings as in Homer.
It's to admit that this is in fact a late epic and that it derives from a close, studious, student-like imitation of the great epics of Homer and Virgil.
They had even obtained, with the help of the attendant spirit, Haemony the magical herb Haemony with all of its Homeric associations, but this, too, seemed inadequate to the task of rescuing their sister.
There is no evidence in Homer that anybody had that kind of wealth or that kind of power.
Now, that's not what queens do. I'm sure the Mycenaean queens didn't do that, but it's very, very interesting that that is what the Homeric queens do.
但王后不做这个 我肯定迈锡尼王后,不织布,但非常有趣的是,荷马史诗中的王后却在织布
That really is the question we are wrestling with and, of course, behind it all is can we seek any historical information from Homer's poems at all?
So, what is this world like that emerges from the world of Homer?
His view is much, if not most, of what we are told about the Homeric world comes, as he says, in the tenth and in the ninth centuries.
Well, one of the things that they do when the Homeric heroes refer to their wives-- there are really only two places that they seem to be associated with.
But we know that the Greeks in Homer don't do that.
What do the queens in Homer do in their spare time?
Well, what do the Homeric heroes do with their chariots?
They do, but they also have an allegiance to their families and to themselves, which, in Homer, tend to predominate,and yet there is a sense in which the conflict is very real.
I don't know that I have an answer to this, but perhaps the Republic as a whole is itself a piece of this Socratic poetry that will substitute for the Homeric kind.
But we quickly see that the people referred to as Basileus in Homer are not like the great King of Persia.
And of course, the kings when we see them in Homer do not have a bureaucracy, do not have scribes.
Well, Homer has his heroes using chariots and we know that chariots were used in warfare in the Bronze Age around the Mediterranean Sea.
Whoever was writing the poems of Homer, whichever poets were contributing to that over the ages after the Mycenaean Period, they hadn't seen those Mycenaean sites.
That's the idea of the game, and then Parry demonstrated by careful scholarship of the Homeric poems, that that is the way the Homeric poems were.
There are also differences, sometimes, in the shape of weapons that we find in the Greek World after the Mycenaean Period compared to what are described in Homer's poems.
But we said the same thing about the Homeric heroes,didn't we?
The Greeks in Homer incinerate the bodies of the dead.