They don't legislate compassion. It's likely that these were considered acts of, who knows, personal conscience, religious conviction, something that was between the individual and society and their God.
And the violence, I think, of this reaction is due in large part to our tendency to think of Milton and of Milton's work in terms of the category of power.
The ironic fact is, because the New Testament is considered more important by people, there are a whole lot more people who take my New Testament classes than go over to the Classics Department and take a course in Plato.
I think what's happening is that we're becoming more national and Milwaukeeans are starting to think more like Angelinos that it's one boom so they start to expect it to happen in Milwaukee.
Partly because I think it's a good exercise, but also I don't want this class to be a class where you sit there, with your cup of Willoughby's coffee if needed to keep awake, and you watch me solve models because that's not how you learn.
The idea that emerged the memory of the '81-82 recession is very strong in our imagination because we think that it was caused by lax monetary policy by liberal thinking by the soft-hearted liberals who just didn't want to create any pain and suffering.