I had the pleasure, I think, of first corresponding with you in the context of writing a sermon for the chapel.
But... I feel like the episode I saw of "The Big Bang Theory" was about them all liking comic books.
What in the world does that have to do with my divisor example? Well, actually, before I do that let me in fact fill in a piece here.
I remember when I was a student of one of the biggest classes at the University of Michigan--go blue!
我记得在密歇根大学读书的时候,我们在橄榄球赛的时候会喊"冲啊 蓝色军团"
I was with some friends of my mother long ago, and I remember looking at that and just thinking.
I remember as a child and sometimes see the worries on her face and try to console her.
I think you may remember from the book that I found a interview with him made about 20 years before he died.
You may remember that I had suggested in the lecture on the Nativity Ode that Milton may have thought of his career as if it were something like a race.
In the Greek world we know -- I think I quoted something from hesiod that confirmed it.
For most people, that's a difficult concept and-- I think I may have mentioned some of this before, but let me give this history.
I remember--before I taught here I used to teach at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
This is the strongest memory I have, and I remembered a) that I didn't learn them, and that was really bad because it kept coming up, but the other thing I remember is that I had no idea why they were important. I didn't really understand what any of these molecules were.
And I think this is on your handout; correct?
He says, "Oh, Cambini. I remember you.
3, I think.
I mean we haven't, we don't really have a second version which is constantly... So I guess for most of last school year I just worked on scaling and kind of trying to make it keep up with the increasing load and trying to make it so that we can expand more, adding more schools.
I think she did it two years ago, in October I think, because it was a Halloween theme.
Remember, when I asked you about the specificity of America in On the Road, and I asked you to think about whether there was anything there at all?
We remember the fish that we used to eat free in Egypt Okay, we were slaves, but the food was free, you know?
Remember when I showed you that picture of cells attached to plastic a few minutes ago; I said those were fibroblasts that were growing on a culture dish.
I remember where I was when I first heard about this.
I remember we took all these alumni around to look at all this stuff.
I remember reading a--I like to browse among old books -I was reading a nineteenth century book about how to be a banker.
I think there probably is one in there somewhere, but just in case, we have had two in class, there's one on the handout.
I remember playing as a lad in France burying my little toy saber.
I'm trying to remember.I think actually it's in the same key as Beethoven.
You'll remember that I mentioned several minutes ago that Milton appears -- literary historians, I think, have rightly seen the Milton who had written Lycidas as a different figure than the poet before having written Lycidas.
You found, I don't remember his stagefright Well, I think there was one moment in his scene like he's standing in front of a crowd, it is supposed to be on a ship, I think.