He's able to justify the ways of God to men here on the physical - on this intimately bodily earth.
But I think it is something that we would need evidence for I'm very much an empiricist on those things.
Now Milton explains that he has nothing now, of course, to show for his father's investment, but he will.
This is something that you're going to prove in statistical mechanics, and so we're not going to worry about where this comes from.
On your journey, and this is also true of the study of folklore, you need a helper. That's part of fiction. You need another hero.
It was impossible-- doctors and scientists showed, runners, athletes, the top-ones in the world proved that the doctors were right.
If the South was a slave society and we tried to demonstrate that last time, we tried to define that.
It turns out that this is a notion of how to think about the emotions that is deeply wrong.
4 So this is 16 times 4 equals 64 and though this is not proof by any means, it's not a formal proof because here is one example that happens to prove my point.
This is boring. In fact, you can do some nice things to prove what is the class of functions you can compute with straight-line programs, and what you'd see if you did that is, it's not particularly interesting.
Again, in an electric field line splitting observed, the intensity of the line splitting varying with the intensity of the applied electric field.
So the food environment can change and can change in productive ways and there are a lot of signs of this happening.
How do we prove the existence of things we can't see or hear or taste and so forth?
It turns out when you give Aldopa to people, it gets converted biochemically into natural dopamine which then serves as its own agonist.
And we Americans are going try to live up to them to prove that governments can in fact, be based on these values.
For example, people tend to believe that their team will win; this has been documented by psychologists.
There is no reference, in any of the tablets-- I don't know how much we can make of that because the tablets limit themselves to such limited kinds of things that maybe it doesn't prove anything, but in this case, I think it does.
To justify the ways of God to men is essentially to put God on trial for the actions that he performs.
That for an ideal gas it has to be the case that there's no volume dependence of the energy.
In this final assertion of the body Milton, I think, is able to recover his theodicy, his attempt to justify the ways of God here on earth.
And so Chudleigh attempts to demonstrate - and this is the passage at the top of the handout - Chudleigh attempts to demonstrate that the Genesis story of Adam and Eve establishes no such thing.
But he invokes it to show that if one really reads it carefully enough, one can see that the lesson to be drawn has nothing whatsoever to do with the due and timely investment of one's talent.
This tactile mastery attests to something remarkable that's happened over the course of the poem, somewhere below the surface of the poem, somewhere between the lines.
And it's one of those classic disassociations between what we think is unimportant and what empirically turns out to be more important.
We could choose any two quantities, and, in fact, it turns out that these are going to prove, after we have the second law, not to be the best choice.
How can Milton know that he was really and truly called by God to be a great poet until he writes something - it's not a bad question - until he has something actually to show for his talent?
We've been talking about the question, What arguments might be offered for the existence of a soul?
You can tell he does because it gives him this extraordinarily happy opportunity of defending himself and justifying himself, which is what he does with a special vigor this is on page 695 of the Hughes -- in the Apology.
I only give, I don't know, about 10% or 20% for getting the right number in a computation. I tell my graders, if the student demonstrates minimal acceptable proficiency that student has to get a passing score.
The theodicy is an account of the justice of God .