These are unquestionably strong words, and I think it's impossible for us to overestimate the weight of these words.
Can you tell me about an episode when you have been too creative?
It only stands to reason, I think, that Milton would want to inscribe within this poem the problem posed by this extraordinarily compelling characterization of Satan.
But if you push it too far you will anger the gods and something terrible will happen to you.
And then, so OK so we have all these people then, like how do you come watch what they're doing and I'm not trying to control too much what they're doing.
Don't be too jubilant because when they do a split they do it to every single shareholder.
So I'm a bit of a zealot on that as a particular expertise.
And there are some studies showing that people who know themselves, who study themselves, who are self-reflective, display less egregious behavior, less immoral behavior toward others.
You can say that I'm over the top on this.
The focus of pleasure shifts to the genitals and fixation can lead to excessive masculinity in females or in males, or, if you're female, need for attention or domination.
And notice by the by, that when we make choices about our future, from the hedonist point of view, at least, there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past, because what's done is done.
So it was very important that we keep the motivation high so that they were not in the compassion of time and the requirement set for very high-stress jobs climbs under the way.
I think that his deadpan way of bringing things down to earth when they get a little too highfalutin' involves the skill of a genuine stand-up comic.
These guys are just counting the number of people in the class for the registrar, so they're not doing anything more nefarious then that.
But if one pursues it further than one should, it is absolute ruin."
Personally, I would argue that it is a little bit over the top.
Instead, what's difficult in Crane is a kind of compression in his writing.
We can exaggerate the power of Peter the Great in this vast empire that's expanding south and already expanding toward Siberia and such distant places.
Arthroscopic surgery in one sense is a fancy example of that, a way of looking inside a joint to see what's happening inside while the person is alive and without hurting them.
And I don't want to overplay the social importance of this, but go back a couple of years to what was happening in the aftermath of Katrina and realize how bad things get when things fail to be coordinated.
When you look at a random walk you have the intuitive impression that you can extrapolate it -that it doesn't look like -you can't believe it's really random, but the reason you can't is because you overweigh the probability of certain things that caught your attention.
Here is what she did. She was fastidious.
She did something worse.
What caused it? It was caused maybe it's oversimplifying it it was caused by a change in our resolve to let's get inflation under control - and a willingness to accept the recession to stop the advance of inflation.
So, Achilles is not doing anything sort of illegal or unconstitutional, but he's doing something that's really out of line from a normal point of view.
However they are simple, not simplistic.
Again, that is a problem that lenders have that the company that's borrowing the money has this unfortunate incentive, at least at certain times, to take excessive risks because the debtors will end up bearing the losses.
I'm being a bit strong, but not too much.
A lot I'm going to talk about is Modigliani-Miller but I'm not going to get too deep into it, maybe in your review sections you can get more technical.