Yes. That was certainly the biggest, I mean, that was an international financial crisis, but it was largely focused here at home.
But once the financial crisis hit, things changed a little bit, and so there is more competition.
This crisis is very interesting to me because it's had so many ramifications throughout the financial world.
That's why when we officially entered the recession or the challenging situation caused by the financial crisis, I keep asking myself, "What should we do?"
he came into office, passed the stimulus bill, and a raft of other measures because the financial crisis demanded that he do so, and it seemed to have worked.
Would it be the finicial crisis of 2008?
Do you think the world financial crisis from last year has affected the movie industry as well?
The subprime crisis is an example: some people were treated badly in this recent financial crisis.
The Wall Street Journal is the most influential financial publication in this country but it has been going through financial difficulties with the Internet age.
The history of financial innovation is always that the organizations adapt to crisis.
It's exposing defects in many of our biggest financial institutions and every day we see more news about failures, huge losses, resignations, or firings of top finance people.
I don't know if you were reading about the subprime crisis, but we are living in a time, at this moment, of a financial crisis called the subprime crisis.
It's not just municipal governments, but a lot of different aspects of our financial system are going to be touched by a crisis that's spreading from one segment to another.
All of these central banks of Canada England Europe and Switzerland got together with the Federal Reserve and said--obviously they were worried about the financial crisis that was engulfing the world.
In 1934, after the failure -it was actually created by Congress in 1933 and went into business in '34.
Even if you did everything that I would do, we would still have a vulnerability to financial crises.
Let me mention a few administration economic proposals, all couched in terms of controlling cost and spurring growth, all linked in one way or another to the economic crisis that was started during the housing bust.
We had a big scare in 1998; it started with the Asian financial crisis and then it spread to Russia and there was this terrible collapse in Russia in 1998, when the government couldn't pay its debts.
So just one after another they made these insane departures from the corrective devices d put in the last time we had a big trouble and they really worked quite well.
I don't know how much you read about the-- right now we are going through a major financial crisis, which started in the U.S.
This is a year of financial crises, so I'm warning you ahead that -don't expect a 28% return on the Yale portfolio for the coming year.
Then,the whole thing blows up and all the Bear Stearns stock is worth just about nothing; so, that's the kind of mistake you don't want to make.
That's why we need invention and theory in finance to minimize that.
These are all international efforts to forestall a financial crisis.
People are blaming the financial community for our troubles now.
So the democratization of finance is, I think, the ultimate mission of--I find central to this course but it brings with it dangerous hazards and we have to think very carefully about how we do it.
The financial crisis was one.