Leda feels the beating of the swan's heart, and that heart is "strange" to her, that simple, powerful word.
um, in one language and then go to another language you have to talk on the level of a child.
Aristotle's extreme reluctance, his hesitance to speak to the issues of his time, are perhaps the result of his foreignness to Athens.
The word "defamiliarization" we will encounter soon when we take up the Russian Formalists.
Now, number two is not an unfamiliar-- premise number two is not an unfamiliar claim.
It works by taking what we know from familiar unquestioned settings and making it strange.
An alternative theory is that of Bowlby, which is that they're drawn to their mother for comfort and social interaction as well as fear of strangers.
God assists the orphan, the widow and the stranger, and that's the basis of Israel's injunction to assistthem also. It's the basis for the humanitarianism that I mentioned earlier that seems to run through the laws of Deuteronomy 12 through 26.
Life in the modern metropolis was de-familiarizing.
Call it generosity between two strangers.
So that you're not just handed something that's entirely new to you with no idea which direction to go, we actually do set you off on an appropriate path.
But this wish that other shepherds had died and not Edward King is so strange.
Is this looking familiar for some of you who can remember doing 115 last year or maybe two years ago for some of you?
and response to any situation that feels strange or weird or just doesn't sit right with you.
If I wanted to think about all of you and get--and establish more of a connection with you, I would not describe you as unrelated strangers.
Socrates does not care about the same thing his fellow citizens care about. His opening words to the jury seem to convey this "I " he says "am simply foreign " to the manner of speech here."
It isn't the stranger you fall in love with.
It's that backdrop--it's that sense of bureaucratized existence-- that defamiliarization has, to a certain extent, the ideological purpose of dispelling and undermining.
Inutile loveliness" is kind of the key word of Nabokov's technique, and he says the novel has as its only purpose to provide aesthetic bliss. So, here is inutile loveliness coming just from seeing the landscape as a stranger.
It has to do particularly with the palpable or roughened form of that which defamiliarizes.
The poet Wallace Stevens puts it beautifully when he says that poetry should make the visible a little hard to see; in other words it should be a defamiliarizing of that which has become too familiar.
I care a lot more about my children than I do about my friends and I care more about my friends than I care about strangers.
So defamiliarization, against the backdrop of a kind of gray uniformity that Jakobson in his essay on byt "The Generation that Squandered its Poets" called "byt"-- I don't know how to pronounce that.
Some enchanted evening you will see a stranger across a crowded room. Right?
So, so far the American landscape is already a work of art, already part of a European memory. Then something else happens: "But gradually the models of those elementary rusticities became stranger and stranger to the eye, the nearer I came to know them.
These are not foreign concepts.