So if you think of the effect of technology on the different populations, the young-age and the adult-age learners.
And so to see somebody so prolific and who's been that way since he was a teenager, I mean,
If you're seeing this and this before April 26, we will be having an Interfaith Day of Youth Service.
Thus sang" -- these five words: "Thus sang the uncouth swain."
They joined the boy scouts,YMCA, other youth movements,benefited a great deal, supposedly from these experiences.
I think this year we're going to go hear the Saybrook Youth orchestra.
I think he died too young-- that's one of the misfortunes of living.
For the school-age, technology provides just extraordinary opportunities for witching what goes on in the classroom.
FSMs I don't know what the FSMs are, but the YAFs are the Young Americans for Freedom.
In 1984-1985 we got the first Mackintosh and an IBM PC Junior.
Come on, congratulations. Your gang now was the street cred of a three-year-old.
No. 2, we believe that young people have to be a key part of building that ethos One of the reasons for that is purely demographic.
And those campuses, that Interfaith Council had a set of internal interfaith discussions and also did a set of external programs like Days of Interfaith Youth Service.
A faith life at home, in the mosque, and a public life in school and in the YMCA and in playing basketball, etc.
Then he could tell us the mournful lay that the uncouth swain sang, and then he could say, "Thus sang the uncouth swain."
I want to share with you at the end today a study, one of the most famous studies in the field " called "the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study psychology".
The interesting thing is, actually everyone calls it the Paulson proposal, but it was apparently mostly written by a young man who is in his early thirties You may not consider that young but I think that is young.
Talk a little bit about the work of Interfaith Youth Core and what its basic mission and goals are.
And we have a set of curricular up there, we have training guys for how to run your interfaith youth service.
We don't actually hear John Milton until we hear this line: "Thus sang the uncouth swain."
My bid concern is that you have this huge group of people on the planet 2 young people between ages of say 12 and 19 or 21 or 22 all asking the question: Who am I?
And the most religiously volatile part of the world tends to be the youngest.
Sure. The core principles of Interfaith Youth Core are very simple.
We should be approaching young people, encouraging them to engage, cross our religious boundaries and engage constructively with the same sort of sense of purpose that al-Qaeda recruits young people with a destructive divisive ideology.
Everything that we had thought that Milton was telling us in the lyric present -- telling us directly, now -- suddenly gets shoved back into the narrative past: "thus sang the uncouth swain." The past tense is important there.
What's your vision for your own wider work with Interfaith Youth Core but then also as part of that, what do you hope your legacy will be?
The Interfaith Youth Core CORE org and the website is
He is the founder and the executive director of the Interfaith Youth Core located in Chicago, Illinois.
Two weeks after the Columbine massacre, Ludlow Colorado I got called before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee to testify on the relationship of youth culture and violent entertainment.