Just at the point of maximum opportunity people were at the point of maximum bearishness about the equity markets.
Up until this period, the early 1650s, Milton was a devoted contributor to the ideal Puritan notion of this government, and it was really the height of his political idealism.
It's quite spectacular because here in the 1890s we have the apex of the Western classical orchestra, this big, beautiful, powerful instrument.
It is at its worst after retirement ... when you are no longer-- you've exhausted your human capital and you're living off of all the accumulated physical capital.
At the same time though, connections between neurons grow like crazy and they-- and this process of synaptic growth where there are the connections across different synapses peaks at about two years.
When they're through and had reached their peak, their notion of monarchy is something fit for barbarians, but not for Greeks. A free man may not live under a monarchy, and the roots of that, I think, are visible in Homer.
in--it peaked in 1886 and then it crashed.