The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.
So it's like one of the last remaining unproven predictions
I wrote this book in 2000 right at the peak of-- fortunately right at the peak of the stock market.
我2000年写这本书的时候,当时希勒教授在书中提醒投资者注意泡沫风险 股市正处于最高点 2个月后此预言果然应验
Yeats counterposes Isaiah's prophetic coal to the blazing body of Section IV, where fire is spontaneous, imminent, something that arises from the body.
He says not only does arsenic belong under phosphorus, I predict that there is an element that lies below aluminum and above indium.
The letter to Diodati gives us another glimpse of the anticipatory narrative that Milton is sketching for his career.
The problem is, a few days aren't going to go by " and say, "God. That was wrong."
Another theme that we see in these books or feature of the Deuteronomistic School is the emphasis on what we call the Yahwist prophets prophets like Elijah and Elisha.
He is the author of the "Race Matters","Democracy Matters", "Restoring Hope","Prophecy Deliverance","Hope on a Tightrope", and now we have a new book out, which is "Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud".
And we'll talk about it in future lecture as belief in self-fulfilling prophecies.
But you need to be able to predict what kind of properties a certain atom's going to have within a molecule, whether you're talking about something, for example, that's very electronegative, or something that is not electronegative at all, it is going to make a difference in terms of thinking about how molecules are structured and also how they interact with other molecules.
Second thing we've got to worry about is, what's a basic step? All right, if I bury a whole lot of computation inside of something, I can say, wow, this program, you know, runs in one step. Unfortunately, that one step calls the Oracle at Delphi and gets an answer back. Maybe not quite what you want.
missing about any of these predictions that he made.
And so they have this-- and Bismarck had predicted that the siege the whole thing would be over.
And the reason is because Daniel is an older apocalyptic, prophetic text that was heavily influenced on early Christian literature.
If it turns out to be true, I'm going to say, " "Those guys really know something."
The patriarchal stories are clearly not the work of the Deuteronomist, and these stories must have had very longstanding traditional authority if they were adopted without serious modification by the Deuteronomist redactor some modification, but not serious.
It starts off with a narrative about a vision.
That's the prophecy that we read around Christmas time.
The Latin is praevenire; it means "to anticipate."
Milton wants to create the illusion that he's predicting, or that he's prophesying, the actions recounted in the poem, as if Milton were prophesying what of course we know to be already past.
You have the three major prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and then the twelve minor prophets, which in the Hebrew Bible get counted together as one book, because those twelve are very small.
If you know the subprime crisis is coming, then there's always a way to profit from that and that's what he did.
But you actually need to keep a few caveats in mind as you do this, which is the fact that trends predict a lot of chemical properties, but they can't predict everything in terms of biological properties.
And psychologists have coined a term, talk about self-fulfilling prophesies, and the claim here more specifically is what's known as "the Pygmalion effect."
The Pygmalion effect that we are going to talk about next week or the week after, shows how teachers' expectations are self-fulfilling prophecies.
Yeah, particularly when it takes prophetic form, that is a form that stands in condemnation of those things in sort of order, in the rums of power, that enslave people, that oppress people that mistreat people.
He's almost a mythological figure who can sanction, who can authorize this revolution in women's writing that Virginia Woolf is beginning to prophesy here early in the twentieth century.