Cummings actually boldly experimented with this principle and he attracted the attention of the linguists, particularly a linguist named Dell Hymes.
And they'd be able to do the same thing with brains for alzheimer patients,
For Gadamer the important thing is that the meaning be true, right, and that's where the distinction essentially lies.
The way he came up with his scale was actually he borrowed the Romer scale, which came beforehand.
Millions of humans affected by Alzheimer's disease, other species don't get Alzheimer's disease.
If you watch the show and you see Cramer, it's pretty believable. I think it's true.
When my wife and I first moved to Amherst, Massachusetts I took a job there once we took some baked goods over to our neighbors.
I want to share with you at the end today a study, one of the most famous studies in the field " called "the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study psychology".
The great thing about classicism for Gadamer, or what he calls "tradition," is that it's something we can share.
The two passages that I'm about to read juxtapose the viewpoints that I've been trying to evoke in describing Gadamer's position.
I'll say again, somewhat in advance perhaps of the time I should say it, that Gadamer thinks that there's something immoral about historicism.
Gadamer believes that historicism forgets the possibility of being taught something by past-ness or otherness.
Gadamer says, and here again he's attacking historicism: The text that is understood historically is forced to abandon its claim that it is uttering something true.
Our primary text will be the excerpt in your book from Hans-Georg Gadamer and a few passages that I'll be handing out from Martin Heidegger and E.D. Hirsch.
In the meantime, Gadamer is objecting to this because he says, you simply can't do this.
As Gadamer says, this is the characteristic idea of the Enlightenment: its prejudice against prejudice, that we can be objective, Okay, fine. But prejudice is bad, we know prejudice is bad.
This then is the object of historicizing and, as we'll see at the end of the lecture, there's a certain nobility about it to be juxtaposed with the nobility of Gadamerian hermeneutics.
All right. Let's hope we can free our minds of these matters now and turn to something a little more substantive, which is the question--before we plunge in to Gadamer really: what is hermeneutics?
Alzheimer's disease is a good one.
Now the first passage is in Gadamer's text on page 735, the very bottom of the page, and then I'll be going over to page 736.
You can produce animals that have a disease that's similar in some ways to Alzheimer's disease by taking the genes that are involved in Alzheimer's and introducing them into mice, for example.
And we bring that prejudice to bear on our interpretation of the line, then that is a constructive way into the circle according to Heidegger and Gadamer.
listen to Gadamer's version of how the circularity of this thinking works.
Implicit, according to Gadamer, in the notion of objectivity is an abandonment of the possibility of learning from the object, of learning from otherness.
I just say that in passing to call your attention to it as a risk that's involved in our engagement with a hermeneutic project of the nature of Gadamer's.
Gadamer is a bit apologetic about it, and he goes into the appropriate etymologies.
It's not to say that Gadamer favored slavery or anything of the sort.
In other words, what is there--which is a kind of way of talking really has to do with what Gadamer means when he talks also about die Sache, the subject matter.
That's what Gadamer means when he says "what is there."