It is a tight, buff, lean, and mean fighting machine.
In the strictest sense, cloud computing can mean many things, including simply running a sequential script on a virtual machine in a data center.
A large number of short steps might mean a more responsive machine, but it also means a longer wait until getting all the data.
As he turns into an adolescent, his body physically changes to match his biological job description as a lean, mean, lunch - chasing machine.
It is tight, buff, a lean, mean fighting machine.
So maybe if we want to say machines don't have a mental life and couldn't have a mental life, what we really mean is no machine could feel anything emotionally.
It reappeared in English in 1371 as a word that had moved from Latin to French before showing up in English and by this point it did mean a machine that counted off the hours.
到1371年,英语中“clock ”的词义变成了计时的机器。此时“ clock ”在英语中的词义已经经过了由拉丁语到法语的转换。
What does a pointer from the client mean to a server that is running in another process on a different machine?
I mean, we still use digital recording, but it's done like old-school — we use the digital recording as a tape machine.
This would mean the business state machine is between states and thus would not be able to accept other operations, such as a request to cancel the order.
Before you race to the vending machine with a license to binge, keep in mind that just because some is good doesn't mean more is better.
Once you're profitable, you can make more purchases, but even those should be limited to what you need. Your business should be a "lean, mean, debt reducing machine".
The Jaguar C-XC might prove to be a mean, lean, road warrior machine.
这些证明捷豹c - XC是恶劣倾斜道路的勇士。
Mr. . Song:Mr. Wang, do you mean the fact that the machine is controlled by man?
宋:王先生,你是否指的是计算机是由人控制的这样一个事实? 娿。
When we talk about consuming a Web service, we mean that an application has called a Web service that is on another machine.
Do you mean the machine by the gym?
"It doesn't mean anything," said Mark Macdonald, personal trainer and author of "Body Confidence" about the calorie Numbers spit out by the cardio machine.
“这根本毫无意义,”MarkMacdonald在提到有氧运动机吐出的数字时说道。他是一名私人教练,而且是《身体信心》(“ Body Confidence ”)一书的作者。
And by this I don't just mean on every Windows machine.
He's a lean, mean, fighting machine.
We wanted the next Wii controller, the next point-and-pinch multi-touch screen, the next tilty-pointy, GPS-giro-scoped, voice-enabled, low-fat, high-protein lean-mean-grilling-machine.
Your best bet for creating a mean calorie-burning machine is to build muscle and stay active.
Proprietary Software shall mean any program or other information stored on tapes, discs, documents or other material, in machine readable or other form, which is the property of Corporation.
Thus, a Turing-complete system is one that can simulate a Turing machine, but the term is most often used to mean Turing equivalent to a Turing machine.
Many of us are, but that doesn't mean you have to visit the vending machine all day.
Microsoft's marketing machine is unsurpassed in the industry, and I mean that in the best of ways.
The keys to boosting your immune system into a "lean, mean, disease-fighting machine" lie in your lifestyle habits — healthy food, stress relief, exercise, sleep, exposure to sunlight and so on.
The keys to boosting your immune system into a "lean, mean, disease-fighting machine" lie in your lifestyle habits — healthy food, stress relief, exercise, sleep, exposure to sunlight and so on.