Method 61 hospitalized elderly patients with chronic diseases were inquired by a questionnaire with hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and Medical Coping Modes questionnaire (MCMQ).
Method: Coping style questionnaire was employed in the study to test randomly sampled 181 medical students in a military school.
Method SCL-90, Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire were used to investigate 70 cases of cardiac pacemaker carriers with statistical analysis.
方法采用SCL 90症状自评量表、医学应对问卷,对70例心脏起搏器携带者进行调查并统计分析。
Method SCL-90, Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire were used to investigate 70 cases of cardiac pacemaker carriers with statistical analysis.
方法采用SCL 90症状自评量表、医学应对问卷,对70例心脏起搏器携带者进行调查并统计分析。