I have seen people show this to others because when I meet you I may not like your face but this is trivial how do I know who you are?
These services may not be ready or meet quality of service needs in a given snapshot of time.
Network and database access is costly and thus, this may not meet your needs if throughput is of Paramount importance.
When this occurs in SOA, you end up with a narrowly-focused service-orientation that may not meet the needs of the business as expected.
Though you may not realize this trait of the Cancer woman when you meet her for the first time, once you get to know her more closely you will definitely come to know about this trait of hers.
The tenth, the one you should not meet, so then you may not have a meeting.
Rogoff says that some Middle East countries with SWFs may not be keen to meet "transparency" standards since national elites may be using the funds to enrich themselves.
Conventional animal breeding should be able to meet much of the anticipated doubling of demand for dairy and meat products in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, but this may not be enough.
Even if an applicant does not meet di's basic medical requirements, he may eventually win payments for other reasons.
In my personality, I am not afraid of any difficulties with fortitude like boys, some people may say that I am a naughty girl when they meet me.
Although the TB burden may be falling globally, the decline is not fast enough to meet the impact targets set by the Stop TB Partnership - to halve the 1990 prevalence and death rates by 2015.
God is fair to everyone. You will not fail all your life, but surely you will meet some upset times, which may be the best opportunities for you to start another new life.
But what happens in a world where people from various cultures, who may or may not share unspoken rules, norms and obligations, meet in everyday interactions?
The generated code may not always meet exact implementation requirements.
Do not hold against us the SINS of the fathers; may your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need.
There are circumstances when it may be better to not try to make up a run to meet the weekly mileage total goal. An example of this would be to preserve a rest day prior to a long run.
The first, the one you should not meet,so then you may not love .
The first, the one you should not meet, so then you may not love.
Enterprises which fail to meet the aforesaid requirements may not enjoy the treatment provided for by different policies for the national development zones for new and high technology industries.
For applications that receive large volumes of queries, a single Solr server may not be enough to meet performance requirements.
Deutsche Telekom's decision to begin taking pre-orders may stem from fear that there will not be enough iPhone 5 supply to meet demand.
You may not love me, just meet me.
Being late may mark you as untrustworthy and someone who may not meet other deadlines.
While they may not enjoy deadlines, if they value the assignment, they will meet those deadlines.
If you meet people of different nationalities remember that they do not only communicate with the spoken language. A gesture or intonation may replace words.
For you do not yet know the strength of your hearts, and you cannot foresee what each may meet upon the road.
When two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other.
When two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other.