What's on today's meeting schedule?
While creating a meeting schedule, you can reserve rooms and resources required for the meeting.
Everyone has been told by external memo. I've also made sure of the meeting schedule with each presenter, personally.
A virtual meeting scheduler that runs in a Web browser lets you schedule meetings and incorporate them into your calendar.
Yes, William. Everyone has been informed. I've also made sure that the meeting schedule is delivered to each presenter, personally.
We agreed to a meeting schedule and... that it was my responsibility to guide our conversations to make the most out of my time with her.
Note: the meeting schedule may be adjusted based on actual circumstance, and shall be in accordance with the report content at site, sorry for the inconvenience.
Is there any new schedule mentioned at the meeting?
My schedule says the meeting room is in Johnson Hall, in the engineering department, which should be right here in front of us, according to the map.
Schedule your meeting so you will have enough time to reach a conclusion.
Schedule a walking meeting to brainstorm ideas with your supervisors or co-workers.
We need to schedule an emergency meeting.
A good technique is to time box these "extra requests." 4 Schedule a convenient five-minute meeting with your friend in which he or she explains the issue to the best of his or her ability.
Team meetings should have an agreed agenda that you stick to. If you schedule an hour for the meeting, make sure it lasts for an hour and no longer.
They came up with that schedule during a meeting yesterday.
Second part of this step: make that appointment the most important appointment on your schedule, more important than a doctor's appointment or a meeting with your boss.
A key meeting I conduct on all of my projects is an issue, risk, and detailed project schedule review meeting.
Instead of asking your recipient to give you their schedule (and wasting an email in the process) - start out by sending them your available meeting times.
The meeting with Jalal Talabani was a late addition to President Bush's schedule, and was only announced on the eve of the session at the White House.
After the resources information is set and associated with a room Reservation database and Domino Directory, you can search for the free time of a room and a resource, and schedule them for a meeting.
Schedule meeting to present designs to management.
l 在日程会议中把图纸交给管理层
If you schedule a meeting for an hour from now and send an E-mail to each attendee, the chance that all the attendee's will read that message within the hour will be pretty small.
The two ended up meeting ahead of schedule the next night, to go to a CouchSurfing party.
Similarly, assume that Mark accepts the proposed new time, but before he reschedules the meeting, he can click Check schedule to view the free times for all his key individuals (see figure 5).
Integration with IBM Lotus Sametime is achieved through a plug-in that lets you schedule and launch into a virtual meeting space from a Sametime chat session.
The at program allows users to schedule jobs for execution at a later time. For instance, a cheap way to get a pop-up reminder to dial into a meeting at 2 p.m. would be.
You may be interested in improving productivity, whereas a project manager will be interested in meeting the proposed schedule and reducing the number of product defects.
I know you are all busy, so I appreciate your making time in your schedule to attend this meeting today.
Schedule a meeting with a certified financial planner to go over the basics of a retirement plan or bone up with our retirement guide.
Schedule a meeting with a certified financial planner to go over the basics of a retirement plan or bone up with our retirement guide.