The default code is to display a message box.
You will probably remove that message box later.
Message box when it is clicked as shown in figure 4.
That message box is then shown to the Sametime client user.
Specifies the contents and behavior of the message box.
Here, the message direction is from the message Box to the destination.
在这里,消息传输的方向是从Message Box传输到目的地去。
If the message box has no Cancel button, pressing ESC has no effect.
When the client receives the suggestion list, a pop-up message box displays.
A message box opens when the JCL generation is complete, as shown in Figure 36.
The value you put in the message box appears in the text box in the Flex application.
We then display a message box with the current state of the Acronym Expander plug-in.
然后用一个消息框显示Acronym Expander 插件的当前状态。
The other addition to this form is a button to illustrate the Message Box feature.
该表单添加的另一项内容是用来说明Message Box功能的按钮。
It begins by creating a request object and then popping up an informational message box.
A pop-up message box indicates whether the action succeeded or failed for each of the tasks.
When the restore is required, you will see a Message Box pop-up as shown in the figure below.
Now, if you tested this out, you may have noticed that you actually got the message box twice.
You should see an informational message box telling you that the pattern was applied successfully.
If you happened to make an XML coding error, your message box will show an error similar to Figure 6.
A message box appears after the action has been performed, indicating the action status for each task.
On Windows, when a message box pops up, you can hit enter or the space bar to dismiss the message box.
Send Ports can subscribe to a message directly from the message Box, without passing through the orchestration.
发送端口可以不经过业务流程直接从Message Box里面订阅消息,这就像实际中有些货物伴随着特定的优先许可。
If you create a message box while a dialog box is present, use a handle to the dialog box as the hWnd parameter.
Barely an hour later, her wall and message box were crammed with comments, suggestions-and the name of the hotel.
HelloPlugin is built from one of the project templates and shows a message box with the words "Hello, Eclipse world".
HelloPlugin是从一个项目模板中构建出来的,它显示一个消息对话框,其中显示“Hello,Eclipseworld ”。
This saves changes to the database and displays a message box that declares the number of saved changes, as shown in Figure 13.
With the application open, open the PHP script in a different web browser. Add a value in the message box, and then click Submit.
The showMessage(String message, String text) method is a graphical utility method for showing a message box to the Sametime client user.
showMessage(Stringmessage, Stringtext)方法是一种向 Sametime客户机用户显示消息框的图形化实用方法。
The text parameter of the method represents the title for the message, and the message parameter represents the body of the message box.
The text parameter of the method represents the title for the message, and the message parameter represents the body of the message box.