It is well known that the nitrate and nitrite from environment is causally related to infant methemoglobinemia and esophageal cancer.
At the cessation of NF3exposure, methemoglobin reverts back to hemoglobin. While methemoglobinemia clears spontaneously over several hours, hemolytic anemia may take several weeks to resolve.
在NF 3暴露停止后,高铁血红蛋白转化回血红素。高铁血红蛋白症会在几个小时后自动消失,而溶血性贫血需要几个星期才能解除。
At the cessation of NF3exposure, methemoglobin reverts back to hemoglobin. While methemoglobinemia clears spontaneously over several hours, hemolytic anemia may take several weeks to resolve.
在NF 3暴露停止后,高铁血红蛋白转化回血红素。高铁血红蛋白症会在几个小时后自动消失,而溶血性贫血需要几个星期才能解除。