The new systems have been optimized for running Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft Windows IE 6.0 service pack 1, or 5.5 service pack 2
Microsoft WindowsIE 6.0servicepack1,或 5.5 service pack2
I want Linux to be able to compete successfully with Microsoft Windows.
Required user and group accounts on Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Microsoft Windows操作系统上需要的用户和组帐户。
Windows GDI: GDI is the basic, low-level graphics API in Microsoft Windows.
windowsGDI: GDI是微软windows系统中基础的底层图形应用程序接口。
Microsoft Windows is a classic example of a successful application platform.
Using Microsoft Windows Explorer, create a temporary directory c: \ symsetup.
使用Microsoft WindowsExplorer创建一个临时目录c: \symsetup。
To run the Watchit bot in the foreground on Microsoft Windows, use this code.
要在Microsoft Windows的前台运行Watchitbot,请使用此代码。
Xming is an open source X Windows server for the Microsoft Windows environment.
Xming是一种用于Microsoft Windows环境的开放源码X窗口服务器。
The Microsoft Windows Phone commercial seems cartoonish, but most of it is true.
微软的WindowsPhone 7广告有漫画式的夸张,但其实大部分情节都是真的。
Microsoft Windows was announced in 1983 and version 1.0 launched two years later.
Microsoft Windows于1983年问世,两年之后,1.0版本发布。
If you are using Microsoft Windows Server 2003, set the ASP.NET status to allowed.
如果使用的是Microsoft WindowsServer 2003,请将a SP.NET状态设置为allowed。
I discovered a problem using the Xerces internal string class on Microsoft Windows.
我发现在Microsoft Windows中使用Xerces内部字符串类有一个问题。
At this time, these extensions are only available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
It targets a piece of Siemens software, called WinCC, which runs on Microsoft Windows.
Some host systems, such as Microsoft Windows, provide their own accessibility features.
一些主机系统,如Microsoft Windows,提供它们自己的辅助选项功能。
These extensions allow Xen to run unmodified operating systems such as Microsoft Windows.
Manufacturers have shown little interest inusing Microsoft Windows software to run a tablet.
It might even "force" Samsung to cozy up to Microsoft Windows OS as an alternative, he adds.
The framework is already included for testing in the developer's preview of Microsoft Windows 8.
该框架已经包含在Microsoft Windows8的开发者预览版中以供测试。
A folder in document library is similar to the folder in the Microsoft Windows operating system.
文档库中的文件夹类似于Microsoft Windows操作系统中的文件夹。
The instructions and examples in the tutorial are based on a Microsoft Windows operating system.
本教程的操作说明和示例均基于Microsoft Windows操作系统。
Some of the guys who wrote Microsoft Windows had previous worked on window systems at Xerox PAPC.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Microsoft WindowsServer 2003企业版具有32 位和 64位两个可用版本。
Messages relating to quota processing, both by Microsoft Windows NT policy and the UNIX file system.
与配额处理相关的消息,同时由Microsoft WindowsNT策略和UNIX文件系统处理。
Pop-up Windows such as Preferences Windows now have a more consistent Microsoft Windows look and feel.
Preferences窗口之类的弹出窗口在外观和感觉上现在与Microsoft Windows更一致了。
This tutorial assumes that you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system, preferably XP or later.
本教程假设您使用Microsoft Windows操作系统,最好是XP或更新版本。
This tutorial assumes that you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system, preferably XP or later.
本教程假设您使用Microsoft Windows操作系统,最好是XP或更新版本。