The MiG-15 carried a very heavy punch, with a very high caliber 40mm cannon visible under the nose in this photo, and another 23mm cannon on the other side.
米格- 15进行了非常沉重的冲压,以非常高的40毫米口径火炮的鼻子下可见此照片中,和另一23毫米景隆的另一边。
The MiG-15 carried a very heavy punch, with a very high caliber 40mm cannon visible under the nose in this photo, and another 23mm cannon on the other side.
米格- 15进行了非常沉重的冲压,以非常高的40毫米口径火炮的鼻子下可见此照片中,和另一23毫米景隆的另一边。