They had been on our planets for millions of years, but 2018 was the year several species officially died off forever.
In both North America and Europe, fungus-causing diseases such as Dutch elm disease have killed off millions of stately trees that once gave beauty to forests and cities.
By flipping individual thin-film transistors on and off in a matrix of millions of transparent switching cells etched on to the surface of the display, images can be made to dance on the LCD screen.
The millions of acres required to meet U.S. transportation fuel needs would not take the form of one huge ocean patch, but would instead spread across many locations off the U.S. coasts.
The other day I was reading about a very successful hedge-fund manager who ripped off millions from his clients, got caught, faked his suicide, and went on the lam.
Nor is it walled off from its neighbours, now hosting millions of sullen exiles.
It is a potent magnet for those millions of country people who can barely live off the measly landholdings available to them.
The voice message left for one alleged mistress asking her to “take your name off the phone” could not have spread so rapidly to millions of people only a few years ago.
The drugstore Halloween images ofdark and hairyj critters touch off sensations deep inside us, pointing bonyfingers at instincts that go back millions of years, evolutionary psychologistssay.
Rocks that now make up the northernmost islands of the Canadian Arctic formed millions of years ago as seafloor sediments off the northwestern coast of a supercontinent called Pangaea.
That really makes you wonder how many millions of hours were logged this past weekend as tech people around the world turned off Gmail (gasp) and played the game.
The same can't be said for all bubbles; many homeowners aren't better off just because the real-estate frenzy put millions of people into homes they couldn't afford.
The Labor Department says about 26 million people are out of work or underemployed, and millions more face foreclosure, which alone can chop 150 points off an individual's score.
How will the grid respond if millions of meters fire off hourly usage data into the system?
Despite millions of dollars spent on marketing SOA, it has not really taken off yet.
Aerial photographs of the Delta show dozens of tankers illegally linked to pipelines, siphoning off millions of barrels of crude for sale abroad.
They fear the consequences of paying off those responsible for the mess. But they cannot let hundreds of millions of innocents suffer.
Instead, it ate up millions of his own dollars and was sold off two years later.
Throwing millions of Americans off Medicare and pushing them into the arms of private insurers is another story.
Millions of people have received amalgam fillings, although their popularity has dropped off in recent years.
It will bring each of them one-off costs in the tens of millions, but the savings over time will dwarf the initial outlay.
Millions of migrant workers have been laid off from their jobs in the ravaged export industry, but now a rush of Christmas orders is opening up new opportunities.
But it's the unflattering image being reflected from abroad that may give pause to the millions of French travelers now heading off to summer-vacation destinations across the globe.
Some day, millions of years from now, LS IV-14 116 will cool off to the point where it becomes a bona fide White Dwarf.
某天,几百万年后,LSIV - 14 116将会冷却形成真正的白矮星。
Some day, millions of years from now, LS IV-14 116 will cool off to the point where it becomes a bona fide White Dwarf.
某天,几百万年后,LSIV - 14 116将会冷却形成真正的白矮星。