With the mine Health and Safety Act, this part introduces the main measures and features in various stages of mine industrial management.
Ellen Smith, the editor of mine Safety and Health News, said the Upper Big Branch mine was the site of two fatalities in the previous 10 years.
In the year before the explosion, the mine safety and Health Administration (MSHA), a federal agency that monitors mine safety, cited the Sago mine 208 times for safety violations.
Mine dust seriously threats the mine safety production and the staff health.
"I've been saying this for years, but it certainly falls on deaf ears at MSHA (the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration)," Oppegard said.
Coal mine safety regulation is an important instrument to correct market failure and to protect miners' rights of health and safety in the course of mining.
Coal mine safety regulation is an important instrument to correct market failure and to protect miners' rights of health and safety in the course of mining.