Joint ventures can take many forms. A foreign firm may take a majority share, a minority share, or an equal share in ownership.
None other than the U.S. aluminum maker Alcoa contributed a minority share of the cash, some $1.2 billion, to buy the $14 billion Rio stake.
That works out at a total of $16.2 billion, or $10.5 billion for BP after its minority partners stump up their share.
These mouselike creatures are among the small minority of mammals — less than 5 percent — who share humans’ propensity for monogamy.
These mouselike creatures are among the small minority of mammals - less than 5 percent - who share humans' propensity for monogamy.
Minority voters, who cast a mere 14% of votes in 1994, cast more than a quarter of them in 2008, and this share will grow.
Trying to track everything is wasteful, especially if the lion's share of profits comes from lines that make up a minority of overall production.
Although this is the "small minority" share, against ordinary consumers is a separate individual, but it reflects the national style of clothing is being more and more popular favorite.
In some of these countries, such as Saudi Arabia, women are a majority of university graduates but only a small minority of the Labour force and an even smaller share of leadership positions.
While many of us are hugely inspired by the phenomenal achievements of the athletes, the sad reality is that only a minority of us share the same enthusiasm for being active.
Our second segment of value fell from pre-tax earnings of $4,093 per Berkshire share to $3,921 (again after minority interest).
Our second segment of value fell from pre-tax earnings of $4,093 per Berkshire share to $3,921 (again after minority interest).