Researchers in Brazil have devised an experiment that could put the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) to the test, New Scientist reports.
In early industrial Britain, he reports, a factory boy modified his machine in order to complete his day's work in a couple of hours, and laze around the rest of the time.
The present work reports the electrochemical behavior of noradrenaline at a bilayer lipid membrane modified glassy carbon electrode.
The advantage of keeping reports outside of the assembly is that reports can be easily modified and redeployed without having to recompile and redeploy the entire assembly.
The population of Monarch butterflies is falling to record lows. NPR's Scott Neuman reports some scientists suspect genetically modified crops could be a factor.
There are only a few reports about organic solar cells based on porphyrins modified by thiophene.
Reports are automatically generated, and can be customized or modified to suit individual users.
This paper reports the successful isolation of islets of Langerhans from the rat pancreas using a modified collagenase digestion, Ficoll density gradient separation and hand-picking technique.
The company accruals have the impact on the possibility of being issued modified auditing opinion about its financial reports.
Maternal reports of decreased fetal movement should be evaluated by an NST, CST, BPP, or modified BPP.
This essay reports that the application of YZ151multicomponents modified starch in contrast test of offset newsprint manufacturing has gained remarkable effect.
This article reports the quantitation relationship of resting ECG parameters taken from 100 subjects by using the method of self-comparison with M-L modified 12-lead and conventional 12-lead systems.
This paper reports on the modified feasible direction method, a new method of structural optimization design.
This paper reports on the modified feasible direction method, a new method of structural optimization design.