By default you cannot modify critical processes, but this new mode lets you override that setting.
Another alternative is to modify the existing scripts prior to migration and run the migration tool with compatibility mode off.
In this mode an enterprise can configure event handling and related policies that can modify existing processes dynamically at runtime.
If two or more users access the file in write mode concurrently and modify the file, the last saved content is updated in the file.
EROFS — You attempted to modify a file or directory stored on a read-only file system (or a file system that was mounted in read-only mode).
In the Message Headers table, select the to header and click Modify to put the to header in edit mode.
在MessageHeaders表格中选择Toheader并点击Modify,以将To header置于编辑模式。
The portlet can issue a redirect, change its portlet mode or window state, or modify its state.
Portlet可以发出一个重定向、改变它的 Portlet模式或窗口状态或者更改它的状态。
When compatibility mode is chosen for Version 5 migration, the old HTTPTransport objects are left in the configuration so that existing scripts can modify these objects and will run unchanged.
当在版本5 的移植中选择兼容模式时,旧的HTTPTransport对象被留在配置中,因此现有的脚本可以修改这些对象并且无改变的运行。
When using Calibre in graphical mode, you must import your existing documents into your Calibre library before you can convert, annotate, or otherwise modify them.
You modify permissions (except for the directory bit) by using the chmod (change mode) command.
您可以使用chmod(更改模式change mode)命令修改相应的权限(除了目录位之外)。
If you work primarily in code but want to modify the model, use code update mode.
Another ClearQuest feature is the ability to modify records from the Query Results view in batch mode.
Gradient Overlay: Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light, and click the Gradient box to modify the colors.
By local rational theory of inductive reasoning, we modify the reasoning mode of common nonmonotonic logic, and so we provide a new formal method of inductive reasoning under the deductive model.
The organic groups can control and modify the structure of inorganic framework, for its rigidity in conjunct mode, flexibility in stereochemistry and strong capability of coordination.
Users and designers open a form template in design mode to modify the appearance and layout of the template.
Click do Angle first icon, enter the edit mode, in the edit mode, you can view, modify, and delete data.
Modify Enable Modify Terrain mode.
CONCLUSION: P. berghei RC strain may modify the mode of ingestion and degradation of hemoglobin in the parasites, resulting in impeding haemozoin formation.
In batch mode, you can now select multiple rows in the query results and modify the CTCs to assign them to their rightful owners.
Oriented growth of the MPC films will change the stacking mode of the molecules, which will in turn modify the properties of the films.
Oriented growth of the MPC films will change the stacking mode of the molecules, which will in turn modify the properties of the films.